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Introduce yourself!

Posted: Tue Jun 30, 2009 9:13 am
by Odin
Hi All,

Didn't see a thread of this nature yet so I thought I would take the initiative and start one. Theres a great many people in the guild I don't know so well and also irc names tend to be different from character names which causes great confusion. Would be great if everyone could get in on this as it would help new members no end.

For those who don't know me I have been on UOSA for a year or so and was a siege perilous player on OSI. Over the years I have been a pk, a pvper, a griefer, a looter, an anti pk and even a helper of newbies. In the world of rl I hail from Scotland and right now do very little for a living...

My characters in UOH are (some still to be guilded):

Fernando Kortez

Re: Introduce yourself!

Posted: Tue Jun 30, 2009 9:58 am
by BlackFoot
Ah good idea

I am in London Ontario so EST zone
I played on Great Lakes from 97-a month or two into UoR. I used to pvp a lot but now I have to minimize my screen a lot when im on so I get killed constantly. So I try and do stuff I can shrink my screen without worrying mostly.

My chars are
ArchBishop Blink
Pink Floyd (not the one in all the pk threads dead)
and Rias s are my pvpers

Re: Introduce yourself!

Posted: Tue Jun 30, 2009 10:26 am
by Titus Valerius
Im born and raised in New York, New York

Played UO Ren in 99'ish to about 2001 (Yes I know, not a very long time) I keep it rather simple and only have two chars. The first one is Titus Valerius (which is my main) and second is Roman (My Blacksmith/Miner, and still not sure what else lol)

I use IRC through the second age website becuase I have no idea how to use it otherwise, but my name is always TitusValerius on it. If you like, IRC me to go do something.

Re: Introduce yourself!

Posted: Tue Jun 30, 2009 11:50 am
by isentil
Hey guys,

I'm pretty new to UoH and UOSA in general. I am from Raleigh, NC. Mostly play weeknights and randomly at weekends.

I played OSI on Great Lakes from 97-99. Just started getting back into UO a few weeks ago.

My main is Sinn de Kabal who is a bard/mage, will be a tamer also but my taming is in the 60s for now. I also have a tank mage in the works named SouLSteaLeR. My name on IRC is Sinn/SouL lol.

Feel free to say hey sometime.

Re: Introduce yourself!

Posted: Tue Jun 30, 2009 12:22 pm
by Pro
Professional wizard.

Re: Introduce yourself!

Posted: Tue Jun 30, 2009 12:35 pm
by Chaos
Hello never paid to play UO however I have been playing free shards for many years. I'm located right outside Raleigh NC in a town called Clayton. (I've seen a post from another person from NC and talked to one or two more so far while in game {as well as and IRL friend that players on UOSA}so glad to see such heavy support for North Carolina)

Char names you might see around


Re: Introduce yourself!

Posted: Mon Jul 13, 2009 1:13 pm
by r0b
Well my Account is 54 days old today, so I figured I'd introduce myself. I am Rob and I am from Fort Worth, Texas. I started playing UO in 1998 with my 10 year old daughter. We quit in 2004 as we weren't spending all that much time playing. We're both back and happy to be members of this guild. My Characters are:

Malvado Pescado
Rob The Mule

I look forward to seeing you all in-game.


Re: Introduce yourself!

Posted: Mon Jul 13, 2009 1:22 pm
by Mephistopheles
Well I was kicked from the guild.

Re: Introduce yourself!

Posted: Tue Jul 14, 2009 12:13 pm
by tekai
Hi everyone

I'm Bina / Olmanriver / Tekai / Coup de Grace and several other charecters that my wife and I play.

We have been looking for a more active guild so that we can increase our friend base.

We have been part of $$$ since we started quite a few months ago. Recently there has been little change to how things are done and it is little more then an alt guild. This is fine for what it is desined for, but I'm hoping to help people that could really use my understanding of the game. We feel we are now finnally established as we have all of the houses, and charecters we want to "start" playing the game.

I played from 97-99 on Greatlakes, after UoR i spent a short time on Siege before leaving for everquest.

We play a "nice guy" ala safir charecter as bina, attempting to help when we can and offering free co-owns to houses for new players. (Pm us in IRC if your interested)

I also play a Min/Maxed Poison Dexer PK whos not so nice, and a thief who you will never know is me anyway.

I try to be one of the servers "suppliers" I sell weapons, and consumables to people.

We try to hold evac services all day whyle were on as we have several mages, please feel free to PM me if you just died to a monster or pk.

We are hoping we can find a place where we can help the development of the newer players, and have high end established friends for when the need arises.

Re: Introduce yourself!

Posted: Fri Jul 17, 2009 5:28 am
by Guardian

No alts just me building my main. archer/mage in the works.

Re: Introduce yourself!

Posted: Fri Jul 17, 2009 8:14 am
by Cataclyst
I'm Cataclyst(clysm)!

Currently I don't have any characters in the UOH Guild, but as I told Blackfoot 3241343 days ago, I'd get around to making one. I currently just offer my help anytime they need it during events, pks, and sometimes hunting.

I play too many characters to list, mainly the ones needed to know are

Cataclyst - Provo/Dexxer
Vanette - Dexxer *hardly ever play*
Vanette - Leetzors Tankerz Mage

I also live in North Carolina myself, down in Jacksonville although I frequent Raleigh often *My mom works/is stationed up there*

As boring as I find north carolina, no matter what game I'm playing people from NC always seem to shine out ;P

Re: Introduce yourself!

Posted: Fri Jul 17, 2009 8:31 am
by Kabal
Kabal - Mage
Cydeways - Dex monkey
Steely Dan - Theif/Healer/Fighter
David Bowie - Archer Mage
Crotch Puncher - Poisoner/Dexxer
Ernie Husslsacks - Theif/Mage

I live in the bay area california, near san fran, its cool.

Re: Introduce yourself!

Posted: Wed Jul 22, 2009 7:54 pm
by Carve
Hey everyone, names Carve, I'm from Southern Ohio..

I enjoy playing this chars;

Tamer/Bard - Steve Irwin
Mage/Tank - Carve
Crafter - Collection Agent

and various mules / other chars at the moment.

PS - for those that live in NC, or near Raleigh, I lived in Smithfield for 14-15 years growing up, and just recently moved to Ohio :)

Re: Introduce yourself!

Posted: Wed Jul 22, 2009 8:20 pm
by Sylvester
Names Jason (sylvester is my last name hence the character). Played UO from sept 97 when i got the charter edition to mid 99, then started up at some point for a few months to sell my account again. Just graduated from Ithaca College, and was a clinical exercise science major with a certification in CSCS, CPT, PES, FMS, Olympic weighlifting and all the other bs like cpr and such. Just worked for the summer down at athletes performance training professional athletes and now have a month off before i go to find another job (back up where im from in CT).

I have plenty of characters, but the only one you'll really see me playing is Sylvester, as it's the character in the guild. If you catch me drunk like 10 newbies have i apparently end up buying small houses and giving stuff away, and all that.

Re: Introduce yourself!

Posted: Wed Jul 22, 2009 8:40 pm
by Chaos
smithfield nice next town over from me .. I'm from Clayton .. along with at least 1 other player here and i think there is another couple in the Clayton area .. and there is at least one more from the raleigh area ... :) again glad to see so many "locals" :)