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$$$ Services - Event Hosting

Posted: Tue Jun 02, 2009 11:29 pm
by Wise

$$$ is joining the Service Industry!

Do you have a guild that has no where to host events? are you a group of players with a really cool idea and no way to implement it? is your guild new and starting up and wants to build a positive reputation in the Community? Then $$$ Event hosting is for you!

What is $$$ Event Hosting? The Syndicate of Successful Salesmen would like to help you host your very own guild event!! There are many small guilds with big idea's or even established and new guilds who would like to get into the community's good books and dont know where to start! so $$$ has decided to lend a helping hand! $$$ is willing to work with All Guilds of all professions, weather your looking to host a pvp dual tournament, or a monster bash, even if you dont have an idea the good folks at $$$ are willing to help you get your event off the ground!

We have a Secure Tower & established guild town perfect for griefless events & great Role playing possibilities!!

is there a fee or cost this service? Never! This is a free service to help build and grow the community, help struggling guilds and all the lot!

Well that sounds pretty good... but what would be involved?

Once we know the style & type of event we can start getting the ball rolling.

What is $$$ will provide:
-A location for your event
-Protection & safety
-Help with Organisation & running of the event

What is expected of your guild:
-To have at least 2 guild members present
-To "run" ie: be the MC for your event
-To provide a prize & pay for all costs associated with your event

The idea of this service is that eventually your guild will gain enough experience to host your own events!!

Well great! How can we use this service!: So this sounds like it would work for you, you can Contact Wise vis IRC in #Secondage or in #$$$ , PM Wise on the forums, Visit or post here!

Re: $$$ Services - Event Hosting

Posted: Tue Aug 11, 2009 12:44 pm
by zzyzx

All these big greedy corporations hiding under the guise of charity while their real intentions are advertising and marketing themselves...

Just kidding! This is awesome of you guys.

Quick question: Do you even need to be in a guild? What if one individual had a neat idea?

Re: $$$ Services - Event Hosting

Posted: Tue Aug 11, 2009 2:09 pm
by Wise
We at $$$ just aim to help build a stonger community!

as for your question, I suppose not, as long as you met the minimum requirements, paid the costs, put up a prize & had 2 players to help with running the event we would be more then happy to help you host an event in your name :)

Re: $$$ Services - Event Hosting

Posted: Tue Aug 11, 2009 3:13 pm
by Daolin
Definitely worth trying out! We are a small but dedicated crew.

Re: $$$ Services - Event Hosting

Posted: Tue Sep 22, 2009 11:01 am
by Hicha
Wise, throw another cock fight.

Re: $$$ Services - Event Hosting

Posted: Tue Sep 22, 2009 12:42 pm
by Wise
SUUUURE I have been meaning to how does next week sound?

Re: $$$ Services - Event Hosting

Posted: Tue Jan 25, 2011 12:30 am
by Panthor the Hated
wat? is that spam or legit i cant tell