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The Hunt - by Mistress Dupre

Posted: Thu Aug 29, 2019 1:18 pm
by SighelmofWyrmgard
The Hunt, a story of Valor, of Deceit, and of personal Failure - by Mistress Dupre

Mine own name must seemeth a little conspicuous: the Paladin-Knight, friend to our King, is merely a distant relative; I canst not even remember the degree of our kinship.

I hadst been too young, by only a couple of years, to engage in the defence of Trinsic. However, when rumours of raiding orcs again reached the city, I hadst proved myself to be a capable Fighter, and I was eager to prove mine own worth.

As a mercenary 'investigator', I hadst been hired by a collective of merchants: they had lost an entire shipment, presumably to these raiding orcs of rumour, and wished for retribution, if not restitution; I accepted the commission.

It didst not take long for me to find the wagon. Just off the road towards Britain, its half-burned wreck was easily found: around it, lay a half-dozen slain men, and two slain orcs; the trample of many, many orcs surrounded the wreck of the wagon and, thence, seemed to plot an outward-course southwest; of course, all cargo had vanished.

But there was more. I am no proper tracker, but I do knoweth some small tithe of the craft: from the wreck also hadst fled foot-prints that were, unmistakably, the spoor of a human woman. I investigated the remains of the wagon again, and found a woman's shawl, so dirty that it was, indeed, filthy, and blonde hairs still clung to it. Oh, no, a hostage? 'Twas curious, though: the merchants who hadst hired me hadst made no mention of any passenger ...

After some small consideration, instead of following the trail of the raiders, I turned my steed due-south (why hadst that abandoned shawl been so filthy?): I hadst heard of other raids upon merchant shipments. I didst find a similar wreck, west and a little north of Trinsic's gates: a wagon burnt, no cargo, slain males, and a few slain orcs; the trample of orcs and the singular spoor of a human female; from within the wreck, I retrieved a filthy corset.

Full of wrath, I galloped back to the first wreck, thence northwest. I found the trampling-spoor of 'out-bound' orcs, and followed it.

They hadst slain the merchants and their guards, and were ransacking the wagon. As soon as I charged into them and hadst begun to slay, in the wagon a human woman, blonde, began to shriek and wail, "Please, save me! Save me!". All of her clothes were filthy.

Verily, I doth not remember if I hadst been born at night, but 'twas, certainly, not the night before ...

With only a little effort, I didst dispatch the orcs. The woman in the wagon didst persevere, "Oh, I thank thee, milady! Thou hast deliver'd me!"

I didst not know what I was looking at. I said, "I know what thou hast done, but, by the Virtues, I canst not apprehend what thou canst be".

The blonde woman didst grin, ferally, "Dost that mean that I canst go home, now?"

I didst not know what to do. The woman ran off, laughing maniacally. I couldst easily have run-her-down and slain her, but I couldst not bring myself to do so ...

I didst return to Trinsic and presented my employers with the heads of more than a dozen orcs, and recieved my fee. Then I visited the commandery of the Knights of the Shining Path, and delivered a report to Japheth, their captain.

Four days later, a squadron of Paladins returned to Trinsic: in a wagon, behind them, a blonde woman whom had been 'rescued'. I didst feel as if I were going to retch.

Thence, I 'shadowed' that woman. There exists a part of the defensive wall that canst be easily-scaled from within: that night, I didst confront her again.

"What dost thou propose to do?" she demanded of me.

"I canst not say," I admitted: I didst feel as if I couldst do nothing.

The woman laughed, cruelly. "That's what I didst think," and she vaulted the wall, still laughing.

I dost fear, to the very-end of my days, that I shalt never forget that vicious, mocking, laughter.

[EDIT: I've corrected a 'wrong word' also addressed a minor plot-error; the author is not infallible]