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recording avi video

Posted: Wed May 08, 2019 10:39 pm
by randale
Since I couldn't post in the server and client support forum

Here's a screenshot of what happened/how it came out when I tried to record an avi of me gazer hunting. I think it's just this shard, because it doesn't happen on another I play on., I used the uncompressed codec because I figured I could convert to another format without such a big file size

But, I do get the message the avi file index is missing or broken and it gives me the option to build index then play, or play as is, or not play at all. Where can I change the recording settings res and frame rate, for recording in razor? You can only do that with some compressors apparently in razor.

I've also tried using obs, but that infinite window thing is very annoying. I'm told it's easier with more than one monitor, I only have one, not getting second one just for that. Is there a way I can get it to show me my desktop without showing me the obs window within a window ad infinitum? Camstudio I've tried as well, but when I'm using hotkeys in razor/the client it brings up camstudio that apparently uses some of the same ones. Bandicam free version has a limit of 10 minutes.
