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Account = 50 days old. My UOSA experience thus far...

Posted: Sun Sep 13, 2015 12:37 am
by Clockwork
Hail, and well met. First off, please forgive any glaring grammar or punctuation mistakes. Even though I have learned a few things since school, officially I'm at a grade 11 English level. That being said, all corrections are welcome. I imagine it would be a good learning experience.

Quickly, I played from 1998-2001ish? Came back from time to time. Played OSI UO:R and AOS. Mostly on the Sonoma shard. A little Pacific too. Characters were Fenster, Syn, Clockwork, Ma' Amin and a few others. Only person I remember playing with was named "abscruel," though there were more, wish I could remember... abscruel ran a bunch of porn sites and gave me passwords to them! Quite the treasure for a 16 year old in the 90's! Haha.

End preamble.

Speaking of "end' commands, I've found Razor to be quite challenging. I feel like I'm using it near 10% capacity, if I'm lucky. A lot more to learn. But, the 10% is extremely handy. I may even write a quick wrestling tutorial, just for fun. I feel like I could add a bit more info for people who require a little more detail, like me.
Here is my character progress. So far there are;


Evaluating Intelligence 100
Magery 98.8
Meditation 97.1
Musicianship 100
Provocation 100
Resisting Spells 82.2
Wresting 86.5

I enjoy provoking things and then blasting them with spells. Considering taking the bardic skills away and making something else. Probably won't though. He makes pretty good gp.


Anatomy 100
Healing 72.9
Hiding 100
Magery 53.6
Parry 31.7
Resist 22.8
Sword 36.2
Tactics 32.1

The idea was to make a support character for Clockwork, with melee for fun. Any suggestions would be nice. Keeping in mind that I will never have more than 3 characters on 3 accounts.

Current goals are; finish Clockwork, make a pvper, GET A TOWER!!! Never had a tower. I do believe I'd feel like a king in a tower.

Anyway, been having a lot of fun so far. Clockwork will be the first character I've ever 7xed. First in 17 years of playing! Can't wait. I do wish the shard was more...evolving. Champs would be fun. Maybe a couple other things. But hey, not my shard! I understand the concept and will stay for as long as I am interested. I also might just 7x Clockwork and quit. Haha. Never know with me.

Re: Account = 50 days old. My UOSA experience thus far...

Posted: Sun Sep 13, 2015 12:16 pm
by Abyz
Make sure you macro a swords Mage and give that a try before you go!

Re: Account = 50 days old. My UOSA experience thus far...

Posted: Sun Sep 13, 2015 1:31 pm
by Clockwork
Abyz wrote:Make sure you macro a swords Mage and give that a try before you go!
Yeah, I would definitely like to try pvp. My only experience pvping was in the 90's, and it was pretty minimal. Mostly just running around with my buddy with sub-7x skills trying to kill people and practicing syncing with each other. To be honest, it's a bit daunting, given the experience of the players here. I'll give it a try though. I imagine the social aspect of it would make everything more entertaining, too.

Re: Account = 50 days old. My UOSA experience thus far...

Posted: Sun Sep 13, 2015 1:34 pm
by Clockwork
Abyz wrote:Make sure you macro a swords Mage and give that a try before you go!
Hmm, maybe I could change Clockwork into a hally Mage and Astrophysicist into a swords bard. That could be fun. And I wouldn't have to pay for Magery again. Haha.

Re: Account = 50 days old. My UOSA experience thus far...

Posted: Sun Sep 13, 2015 3:20 pm
by Mulahey
Hi Clockwork! By the sound of your post it seems you are a fun person, i hope you'll find what you are looking for on this shard and stick around! Cheers and welcome back home!

Re: Account = 50 days old. My UOSA experience thus far...

Posted: Mon Sep 14, 2015 1:07 am
by Nickodemuse
if you haven't join us in irc chat #secondage, you dont have to d/l the client just click the irc chat tab in links above and type in the #''s or letters. I would recommend keeping the chars you have and create a new one for pvp. GMing your dexxer is easy, be happy to tell ya how in irc chat! Plus bard/dexxer/pvp char are the 3 chars i have completed (almost). Same nick in irc, give me a shout if you see me.

Re: Account = 50 days old. My UOSA experience thus far...

Posted: Mon Sep 14, 2015 11:27 am
by Ill Gates
Nickodemuse wrote:if you haven't join us in irc chat #secondage, you dont have to d/l the client just click the irc chat tab in links above and type in the #''s or letters. I would recommend keeping the chars you have and create a new one for pvp. GMing your dexxer is easy, be happy to tell ya how in irc chat! Plus bard/dexxer/pvp char are the 3 chars i have completed (almost). Same nick in irc, give me a shout if you see me.
We're continually having fights at Buc's Den during the evenings if you'd like to give the PvP aspect a shot. Feel free to PM me w/ questions, or if you need ANY help.

Re: Account = 50 days old. My UOSA experience thus far...

Posted: Mon Sep 14, 2015 11:33 am
by Boomland Jenkins
Clockwork, I just want to say welcome to UOSA if I haven't said so before in the past. I'm glad to hear that you're having a fun time thus far experiencing UO the way it was (or as close to the way it was as possible). If you need any assistance or have questions, I'm fairly easy to catch during daytime hours.

IRC is a great asset, so much so, we have an in-game command to get you into IRC a bit easier. You can type [irc in-game to launch the webclient in your default web browser.

Re: Account = 50 days old. My UOSA experience thus far...

Posted: Mon Sep 14, 2015 9:41 pm
by Clockwork
Mulahey wrote:Hi Clockwork! By the sound of your post it seems you are a fun person, i hope you'll find what you are looking for on this shard and stick around! Cheers and welcome back home!

Thanks! I try to have a good time! Haha. I hope I do, too!

Re: Account = 50 days old. My UOSA experience thus far...

Posted: Mon Sep 14, 2015 9:43 pm
by Clockwork
Nickodemuse wrote:if you haven't join us in irc chat #secondage, you dont have to d/l the client just click the irc chat tab in links above and type in the #''s or letters. I would recommend keeping the chars you have and create a new one for pvp. GMing your dexxer is easy, be happy to tell ya how in irc chat! Plus bard/dexxer/pvp char are the 3 chars i have completed (almost). Same nick in irc, give me a shout if you see me.
I'll check it out for sure. I've heard it's quite the comm tool here. Appreciate the offer!

Re: Account = 50 days old. My UOSA experience thus far...

Posted: Mon Sep 14, 2015 9:46 pm
by Clockwork
Ill Gates wrote:
Nickodemuse wrote:if you haven't join us in irc chat #secondage, you dont have to d/l the client just click the irc chat tab in links above and type in the #''s or letters. I would recommend keeping the chars you have and create a new one for pvp. GMing your dexxer is easy, be happy to tell ya how in irc chat! Plus bard/dexxer/pvp char are the 3 chars i have completed (almost). Same nick in irc, give me a shout if you see me.
We're continually having fights at Buc's Den during the evenings if you'd like to give the PvP aspect a shot. Feel free to PM me w/ questions, or if you need ANY help.
Much appreciated! I'll come by soon. I actually just attacked my first red last night, instead of insta-recall. Quite the adrenaline rush. I died. Looking back on it I was a fumbling fool. Haha. I even had a flame strike head start on the guy courtesy of an ancient wyrm. Later I found my gold and reg bag in my front steps. Haha. WTF?! Creepy. Well played, "Unknown Entity."

Re: Account = 50 days old. My UOSA experience thus far...

Posted: Mon Sep 14, 2015 9:49 pm
by Clockwork
Boomland Jenkins wrote:Clockwork, I just want to say welcome to UOSA if I haven't said so before in the past. I'm glad to hear that you're having a fun time thus far experiencing UO the way it was (or as close to the way it was as possible). If you need any assistance or have questions, I'm fairly easy to catch during daytime hours.

IRC is a great asset, so much so, we have an in-game command to get you into IRC a bit easier. You can type [irc in-game to launch the webclient in your default web browser.
Thanks, Boom. Good to be here. I participated in a mini-game test you did with me and 3 other newbs. The prize was 1 silver. I didn't know its value and managed to lose it. Haha. Oops.