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UO top 100

Posted: Tue Aug 11, 2015 2:03 pm
by morgan1109
I went to check out where we stand in the UO top 100. I was very surprised to see we weren't in the top 50. Instead some "other" server espousing our values, same period, etc is in the top 5.

is there any way we can reverse that trend? Are those two top 100 sights essentially paid advertisements and that's why they are on the list and we aren't?

Re: UO top 100

Posted: Tue Aug 11, 2015 5:52 pm
by Tristan
morgan1109 wrote:I went to check out where we stand in the UO top 100. I was very surprised to see we weren't in the top 50. Instead some "other" server espousing our values, same period, etc is in the top 5.

is there any way we can reverse that trend? Are those two top 100 sights essentially paid advertisements and that's why they are on the list and we aren't?
Those sites are pretty fakeable when it comes to beeing on the top, even if noone plays on that shard. I'll give you a pretty stupid example:

Most of those sites base their votes on the IP of the given person that is going to vote. So, if someone wants the shard where he/she plays or the very same creators want to be the top 1 there, all they need to do is have someone with a dynamic IP and VOTE like a madman while unplugin-plugin the router to get a new IP and repeat that on a daily basis until that person breaks the on/ff button lol...

I'm sure there are other more sophisticated ways but it's the first one that passes thru my mind...

Like it or not, I'm sure that stuff happens.

In my opinion, not everyone comes here by checking those sites, I bet a lot of people found UOSA by merely googling or by hearing someone else talking about it (friends, a youtuber, etc), beeing the top one there doesn't mean that you are the "wealthiest" shard number wise. But... that's just my opinion.

Do you think that people don't vote enough? Maybe people will vote more if we had a stone ingame that opened your browser with those sites? Idk...