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Using razor to separate crafted weapons.

Posted: Thu Jan 08, 2015 6:50 pm
by Myrnae
Does anyone know how I can use razor to make weapons, then put them in a bag (the exceptional ones only) or do I have to hand sort them? Thanks!
I seem to keep having trouble with the macro I have putting the non-exceptionals in there too.

Re: Using razor to separate crafted weapons.

Posted: Thu Jan 08, 2015 6:52 pm
by Boomland Jenkins
I'm not on my regular PC right now, but if the "exceptional" message counts as a system message, you could use an if statement to put non-exceptional in one bag (or trash, or smelt), and exceptional items into a different container.

Re: Using razor to separate crafted weapons.

Posted: Fri Jan 09, 2015 11:01 am
by Myrnae
I tried that, the problem is the macro is randomly smelting an item out of either bag.

Example: I make an exceptional item, and move it to bag. Next item is regular non-exceptional, and the smelter is randomly smelting either the item in my pack OR the exceptional in bag. I don't know a way to differentiate between the two because they are the same item type (item number)

Re: Using razor to separate crafted weapons.

Posted: Fri Jan 09, 2015 11:50 am
by Boomland Jenkins
Myrnae wrote:I tried that, the problem is the macro is randomly smelting an item out of either bag.

Example: I make an exceptional item, and move it to bag. Next item is regular non-exceptional, and the smelter is randomly smelting either the item in my pack OR the exceptional in bag. I don't know a way to differentiate between the two because they are the same item type (item number)
You're right, you probably will want to sort the items into 2 bags, and then later run a smelting macro on the correct backpack.

Re: Using razor to separate crafted weapons.

Posted: Fri Jan 09, 2015 1:06 pm
by Downs
This may be overcomplicated for what you need, but if you want to sort/smelt you can put your weapons in a container that is within 1 tile from you, and make a macro that does:

Steal by type (whatever weapon) - don't need stealing at all to take an item off the ground/from a container.

Once you do that, the weapon taken is your last target, so you can item id last target to use a system message to check for exceptional tag. from there, you can run an organize agent or a smelt last target.

If you need help walking thru it, catch me in irc later

if you put the sort bin 2 tiles away, you can't steal them, so they won't go in your bag.

you can resync the counter/client, but you need to take a step for it to take effect i think.

also, probably you need to put a check in to make sure that you successfully take the item, otherwise it may still try to smelt some things you don't want it to

Re: Using razor to separate crafted weapons.

Posted: Fri Jan 09, 2015 4:51 pm
by morgan1109
I try and keep things simple. This method you cannot do AFK because of container limits, but works well for a small smithing session which is how I work.

Basically you do as Jenkins suggested, and use an “if” statement to identify and put exceptionals in a separate container than the normal ones. The issue you are having is when smelting it takes any item razor recognizes (I assume by type according to your macro). Razor recognizes every piece you have crafted and still exists in the world. So if you walked the exceptional into another room out of reach, you would get a “to far away” message as it would still recognize it even at a distance.

So what you do is when you are getting ready to smelt, you simply log off, log back on, and ONLY open the bag of normals. Now the only thing razor recognizes or “knows exists in the world” is what’s in the normal bag (and your personal bag) and your exceptionals are safe. Every time you craft an exceptional or open the exceptional bag, you’ll need to log off and on again so Razor no longer knows they are there if you want to smelt.

I figured this out when I was pushing from 99-100 and wanted to save some exceptional breastplates. I had the same problems. Got the “to far away message” when I walked them out of smithing range, etc. Logging on and off finally solved it.