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Disguise kit then incognito.

Posted: Tue Sep 09, 2014 2:27 pm
by Boondock_Saint
I wasn't sure if it was a bug or era accurate. In the thief guild, you get a disguise kit. You use the kit., changes your name, and doesn't change again until you die twice or wait two hours. However, if you cast incognito after using the kit, it wears off after incognito wears off, instead of having to die twice, or wait two hours. Era accurate?

Re: Disguise kit then incognito.

Posted: Thu Sep 18, 2014 4:11 pm
by Kaivan
I apologize for the extended wait between when you posted and this response. Unfortunately, the patch notes don't give us any information, and searching the newsgroups, stratics, & HoC chats turns up no information to go on at all regarding the interactions between disguise kits and the incognito spell. This effectively leaves us no real direct era evidence regarding the way in which the two mechanics interacted. However, some information exists from the demo that indicates how OSI handled the interaction between polymorph and incognito, which is a generally similar effect of layering two body altering effects.

In the demo, two specific scripts exists called polychec and remincognito which are designed to be used in an instance where a player has one effect already on them and a second effect it cast on them. The way that these scripts work is to remove the effects of the other spell just before applying the effects of the new spell. So in essence, casting one spell effectively cancels out the other spell.

Of course, the related problem is that we have no such set of scripts to compare when checking on a disguise kit. The main question becomes how the disguise kit worked internally on OSI servers; specifically whether the disguise kit made the same checks that polymorph and incognito made for each other, and whether those spells were also updated to have the same checks with respect to the disguise kit.

Since no information hasn't yet (and may never be) been found, we are applying the same technique that is used in the demo for the polymorph and incognito spells.