Want to own over 15 houses without breaking the rules?

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Want to own over 15 houses without breaking the rules?

Post by Treysta »

Step 1: Message a friend who doesn't play.
Step 2: Get them to sign up, make 3 accounts, and 15 characters.
Step 3: Convince them to log on once a month.
Step 4: Use all 15 of your friend's characters have to "refresh" houses that you "gave them".

And there you have it. Repeat until you have 250 houses logged in a spreadsheet.

Although UOSA staff claims to not condone this tactic, by their own rules it's not an enforceable offense as long as your friend actually plays for five minutes every month or so and they "own" the houses. This may very well break the spirit of the 15 house limit, but it does not break UOSA's actual rules.

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Re: Want to own over 15 houses without breaking the rules?

Post by Treysta »

One of these five things will likely occur:

1. UOSA staff ignore this thread completely.

2. Staff come out and say this practice is legal.

3. UOSA staff come out and say this technique is illegal, but remain unwilling to enforce the spirit of the rule.

4. Staff take action and deem this loophole illegal and actually take action against those abusing it to hoard houses.

5. This thread gets censored/deleted.

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Re: Want to own over 15 houses without breaking the rules?

Post by Boondock_Saint »

So what happened? Wanna talk about it?
[quote="Downs"]All the cool kids saw your wizard tears. [/quote]

[21:32] <[Rose]> scurvy is the new chumbucket

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Re: Want to own over 15 houses without breaking the rules?

Post by Abyz »

Please don't bother the staff with this. They are busy fine tuning the sea serpent spawn and making sure maximum blandness is fully achieved. One guy, and his 'friends' as you call them, owning all the houses contributes towards this goal.

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Re: Want to own over 15 houses without breaking the rules?

Post by Anarcho »

Treysta wrote:One of these five things will likely occur:

1. UOSA staff ignore this thread completely.

2. Staff come out and say this practice is legal.

3. UOSA staff come out and say this technique is illegal, but remain unwilling to enforce the spirit of the rule.

4. Staff take action and deem this loophole illegal and actually take action against those abusing it to hoard houses.

5. This thread gets censored/deleted.
Accounts which are used clearly to just hold houses for another player who has 3 accounts already are not tolerated and dealt with.

If you have reason to believe that someone is abusing the account limit, in regards to housing or not, let us know privately and we will thoroughly look into it.
Abyz wrote:Don't bother the staff with this. They are busy fine tuning the sea serpent spawn and making sure maximum blandness is fully achieved. One guy, and his 'friends' as you call them, owning all the houses contributes towards this goal.
This shard's stated goal for many years now has been accuracy. This includes even the less significant details that may be of no interest to you. I'm not sure why you're so surprised.

Thread locked because I'm a little tired of the libel against the staff that we openly condone players to abuse the account limit. You should know that we have fairly and thoroughly investigated every situation that has been brought up with us.
