New (Old) Player just a few q's

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New (Old) Player just a few q's

Post by sschm »

A friend and I played T2A in the 90's and wanted to give this a try again. We were of the PvP and PK variety of players who used UOE and we intend on being that way again if we stick around for long, although with Razor this time.

I just wanted to know if there is much PvP going on at this shard and if there are any spots to place a small house anywhere in the game. If there is no room for even a small house, is there some other housing option that we could use to macro our characters resist and magery?

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Re: New (Old) Player just a few q's

Post by Bixby Legbone »

sschm wrote:A friend and I played T2A in the 90's and wanted to give this a try again. We were of the PvP and PK variety of players who used UOE and we intend on being that way again if we stick around for long, although with Razor this time.

I just wanted to know if there is much PvP going on at this shard and if there are any spots to place a small house anywhere in the game. If there is no room for even a small house, is there some other housing option that we could use to macro our characters resist and magery?

There's room for plenty of small houses, even in places such as outside of Moonglow which used to always be full up. Or there are small open spots within a reasonable run to Britain Graveyard. There's even a few medium house spots available (Lshapes/bricks).

There is pvp if you seek it out.

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Re: New (Old) Player just a few q's

Post by WarmApplepie »

Plenty of housing spots, and plenty of pvp. Just gotta know where to find it! welcome back, great server
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Re: New (Old) Player just a few q's

Post by Menkaure »

Heh the biggest complaint of this shard is there's "too many pks". So you'll fit right in
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Re: New (Old) Player just a few q's

Post by Budner »

There are not ENOUGH PK's IMO. Bring it.

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Re: New (Old) Player just a few q's

Post by Boomland Jenkins »

Hope to see you in-game! I encourage you to reach out to the community by joining IRC ( It's a great way to get questions answered quickly.
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Re: New (Old) Player just a few q's

Post by sschm »

Thanks for the report, folks.

I'm pretty sure we'll be around, but we have some character building and catching up to do because it has been a long time.

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Re: New (Old) Player just a few q's

Post by sschm »

I started this out alone with no gold and no characters after a huge absence. Using 3 accounts, on April 21st, I started with a lumberjacker and bowcrafter. Today, April 29th, I now have 100 Magery, 100 Med, 100 Eval, and 97.4 resist on my tank mage, with two small houses and a 3rd character (healer/dexer) that was built up in Anatomy (100) and Healing (80.3) during this process.

I was a newbie lumberjacker at the start, but I became more advanced as I kept on doing it. I learned Razor tricks/macros to make the most out of my time. On my LJ, I have 100 Hiding, 97.5 LJ, 90.2 Bowcraft, 75.9 Med, and 77.6 Magery. Now, I can get about 30k in an hours worth of actual boring wood chopping, which can be done any time of the day when you are able to, while doing something else while gathering wood, such as listening to something. It will take about 3 hours total to get the 30k, but you can go AFK or do something else on the computer for 39-45 minutes during each of the 3 hours while you macro making bows and auto selling them to vendors. The actual hour of attended gameplay happens when you go out to gather the wood, which I have noticed to be about 20 minutes out of an entire hour, and the other 40 minutes I was macroing bows to auto sell to vendors. I've noticed that it takes about 12-15 minutes to craft the bows and sell all of them to a vendor during each "log run," and I was capable of doing 3 of these "log runs" an hour.

My LJ started out with no magery, but I built up the magery and I can now recall to the best vendors easily for the best prices. Sometimes the vendors are out of gold, so it helps a lot to be able to recall. I was using the moongates at the start, because I couldn't recall.

This is what I planned for my resource gatherer:

100 STR, 75 DEX, 50 INT


With 50 INT and 80.1 magery you can cast all of the spells. The hiding is nice and has saved me from death numerous times while I was out chopping wood and went AFK for a bit or alt-tabbed. A few PKs passed by me while I was hidden chopping trees for wood near Britain graveyard, and I have gone AFK while wood chopping to return with an ogre or some other monster nearby that would have otherwise killed me. I had a macro on that automatically hides every 12 seconds while wood gathering. I'm pretty sure this will work for mining as well, because you should be able to mine ore and gather wood while invisible. The archery and tactics will help easily deal with the common monsters you might come across while lumberjacking or gathering ore.

Despite reports about the bow being the best money maker to craft, I have noticed that it is better to craft both the bow and xbow because the vendor prices for the bow will keep going down after you sell enough of them, while the xbow and perhaps heavy xbow (with 100 bowcraft) will balance out the price drops for each vendor after a 15 minute macro session of crafting and selling.

There was one player who did help me out a bit during the start of this. I forget his character name, but he was a GM Ranger and wore blue robes and a blue hat. He gave me about 70k worth of gold for about 10.5k logs, and at that time my LJ wasn't very advanced so it was taking more time to make gold. He wanted to GM carpentry. Thanks whoever you are.

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Re: New (Old) Player just a few q's

Post by Lord Mammoth »

sschm wrote:It will take about 3 hours total to get the 30k, but you can go AFK or do something else on the computer for 39-45 minutes during each of the 3 hours while you macro making bows and auto selling them to vendors.

sschm, be warned that AFK selling to vendors for profit is against shard policy. If you continue to do this and are caught it will result in a 3-day ban.
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Re: New (Old) Player just a few q's

Post by sschm »

Alright, thanks for the info. I wasn't necessarily AFK but in the same room with a macro that made the bows and said "vendor sell" every 14 seconds, otherwise I'd be overweight from the boards and bows at the same time after crafting them. I can instead just alt-tab or go do something else while waiting for the bows to finish and then type "vendor sell" manually once the boards are depleted and I have an inventory full of bows. Hopefully that is fine. I wasn't recalling around like a reg bot while not paying attention to the UO client; it was in 10-15 minute intervals every few hours or so (whenever I could do it).

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Re: New (Old) Player just a few q's

Post by sschm »

This would basically accomplish the same thing in the same amount of time and not be against any rule, correct? I'd just have to bring less boards with me or craft them near the bank and then go to a vendor and type "vendor sell" once my inventory is filled. Unless creating bows via a macro while AFK is considered resource gathering. People must do it often in order to GM their skills. Anyway, just giving a report on how fast this was to start out and you don't need to craft bows next to a vendor with a macro that says "vendor sell" in order for it to work. I'm wondering if skills go up faster here compared to T2A OSI or if it just seems faster because we can use 3 accounts, which most people didn't have back then.

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Re: New (Old) Player just a few q's

Post by Rammar »

You cannot AFK sell to npcs or otherwise AFK gather that which can be sold to npcs for a profit. That's pretty much it as far as resources go.

Suggest this be studied:

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Re: New (Old) Player just a few q's

Post by Aeris »

As long as you aren't AFK when your character says "vendor sell" then it's okay. A GM may show up and if you don't respond to their questions, you get a 3-day ban and your first warning. Same thing with mining, lumberjacking, and fishing - you need to be there when the ore/wood/fish go into your character's backpack.

Well done, sounds like a great way to get started here quick! Hopefully some other new players see it and use it to help their beginner's plight here :)
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Re: New (Old) Player just a few q's

Post by sschm »

My LJ was put in jail. Is there no getting out?

I never even said that I did go AFK while selling the bows anywhere in my posts. I mentioned going AFK while lumberjacking, but I was not running any sort of script to keep gathering wood while I was AFK. I mentioned that you COULD go AFK while running a macro to craft bows and auto sell them, but I didn't know it was against the rules to do so. I do admit to alt-tabbing and doing other stuff in the same room while waiting for boards to get depleted while crafting bows and auto selling them. I wasn't literally AFK, and I was back in the game in no time. I also only recently started doing this, because I didn't have the "Vendor Sell" included into my macro until a few days ago. I can easily wait for the bows to finish being crafted and then do a manual "Vendor Sell" while still accomplishing the same thing, so this isn't any sort of serious set back, unless I can't get out of jail. I started a 15 minute timer each time I ran the bow crafting macro and then I tabbed back into the game once the timer went off, but I often tabbed back in the game during those 15 minutes just to quickly check up on it. None of this was literal AFK vendor selling, and even if I did want to go AFK or if being alt-tabbed is considered AFK, I could have easily used Razor to macro making the bows in advance at a bank with a Razor restocking agent for maximum efficiency and still accomplished the same thing with perhaps only a one minute difference in the amount of time it takes to craft and sell the bows.

Rammar, you said I can't "AFK gather that which can be sold to npcs for a profit," but when I am running my bowcrafting macros, I am training my bowcrafting skill and gaining a lot of bows that can be sold to NPCs for profit. The rules state that "You may not gather things unattended. This includes Mining, Lumberjacking, lockpicking in dungeons, cotton picking/sheep shearing, and fishing. You may also not sell items to vendors AFK for profit." Nowhere in the rules does this include gathering "things" (bows) via the bowcrafting skill while AFK. It only mentions mining, lumberjacking, lockpicking, fishing, and cotton picking/sheep shearing. I sold the bows sometimes while alt-tabbed or while doing something else in the same room, but I wasn't really AFK because I could see the game on my monitor.

If I broke the rules then I apologize, but I am not sure if I really did break any rules and I am not 100% clear if it is legal to macro making bows while AFK because this does indeed constitute gathering "things" (bows) unattended, but I am positive that so many other players do this constantly to GM their crafting skills. Also, I am not really clear on if what I did was an actual violation of the rules, because I was not truly AFK while running my bowcrafting macro with the "say Vendor Sell" included in the macro. I'd like to keep on doing this, but I will of course change things around a bit to avoid any possible appearances of an AFK vendor seller, and of course if I am truly going to be AFK I will not auto sell to vendors because that is clearly stated to be against the rules. Whatever the case is, it is probably not worth the risk to keep the "vendor sell" line in my macro, even if I am not really AFK but alt-tabbed to an additional UO client or some other application.

If other new comers want to try this, I'd first raise your strength to 100 and dexterity to 75 doing herding and snooping macros. Start out with 50 INT and cap it at that. Put the rest into STR. Get a horse ASAP (you can LJ on a horse), and once you make enough gold, train your lumberjacker in magery and meditation from a mage guildmaster and then start a magery and meditation macro on your LJ so you can recall. You only need 70.1 magery to never fail the recall spell.

There was a rune library in a tower located close to East Britain that helped me get to various vendors on islands that I marked with runes.

This is very low risk and if you need to alt-tab to other applications frequently this is probably better than making a bard if you can handle the somewhat boring wood chopping. I was listening to music while doing it, but you can listen to talk shows or whatever else you like. Possible to do at work as well if you're on a computer for most of the day. Otherwise, on a bard, you are going to have to put all of your concentration into the game while out provoking monsters with your bard, and the source of income is not guaranteed. It is not guaranteed with the LJ as well, but if you can manage to build your character to be able to recall, it is pretty much guaranteed because there are many vendors available and I have never seen all of them out of gold or buying for cheap prices.

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Re: New (Old) Player just a few q's

Post by Boondock_Saint »

You can make stuff while AFK.
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