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Your best UO bug exploit

Posted: Fri Apr 18, 2014 3:48 pm
by Kabal
I once played a shard that had "skill potions" if you got gm alchemy, I figured out that if I took these skill potions and stacked them on top of each other and double clicked the pile as fast I could, my skills would go up but the server wouldnt realize I clicked so many and it wouldnt go all the way back down. So neeless to say I was then 52x GM and I think I even had like 140 magery which was a pain cuz i thought id get busted, I actually had to macro my skills DOWN, lol.

Re: Your best UO bug exploit

Posted: Sun Apr 20, 2014 5:51 pm
by Grimoric
Overide Weight Limit!

Back all they way from the first vesion of UO Gold untill late of 2001 the weight was handed by a (unsigned short int) and the max value you could have in a container was 65,535 stones.

If you had more weight it would just loop the calculation back to 0 again. So a container with 65,546 stones of ore did weight 10 stones.

They fixed this by stop add more weight to the counter then you reatched 65,000 stones in the container, but this broke in the other direction and you could exploit it my subtrack values.

Add 65k stones of ore in the bank box (or secure) after that fill the bag with stuff to be moved and remove the 65k ore and you had a weight of 0 stones for the container untill you reatched a server line. You needed to add one stone in it or it would handle the bag as 65,535 stones. ... elg7176194

This dont work on UO Server Emulators.

Re: Your best UO bug exploit

Posted: Mon Apr 21, 2014 5:32 pm
One my personal favorites is to hire a npc and make him go grey. If anyone kills (not attacks) the hired npc he/she will instantly flag grey even though the npc was grey. If it happens in town its insta guard whack lol. I have found Sailors are the best to use for this becuase they have the ability to steal from people they are fighting. If someone decides to screw around and attack your npc they will get their regs/bandies/runes or w/e stolen, and if they go to kill the npc to get their stuff back they will get whacked/go grey. :P

Re: Your best UO bug exploit

Posted: Mon Apr 21, 2014 6:33 pm
by Sultan of Swing
only one i remember using was trammel:

when bod's first came out, if you set your weight correctly you were guaranteed coloured sandals over the less desirable items when handing in completed bod. Managed to get a full set - ice whites, flames, etc,

never been into coloured sandals since!

Re: Your best UO bug exploit

Posted: Tue Apr 22, 2014 7:18 pm
by Vega/Delo
Only for a short time but, para explo on an ancient wyrm and it would die.

Lots of other great ones from Ask Chopper.

Re: Your best UO bug exploit

Posted: Tue Apr 22, 2014 7:41 pm
by Apocalypse
Never knew about any of the "cool" exploits but I do remember, after Trammel came out, if you had a runebook with Felucia runes, you could set one of those runes to the default rune, go to Trammel, and recall off the runebook and it would take you to that same location in Trammel. I believe this worked both ways (use Trammel runes in Felucia or Felucia runes in Trammel) but don't remember. If I had been smart I would have used this to see if I could get into castle courtyards. ;)

Re: Your best UO bug exploit

Posted: Thu Apr 24, 2014 2:18 pm
by sircharlestha3rd
Well I used to be able to ebolt/explode/flamestrike or any spell people in there comfort of there houses. I was told of how to do it by an NWO friend of mine and got drunk and rambled it on forums. Next day Derrick patched it.......:(

Also, recalling to the top of your house from anywhere was always nice.

Re: Your best UO bug exploit

Posted: Sat Apr 26, 2014 8:05 am
by Boondock_Saint
Not a bug, but back in the day on a free server I played, there was some douche bag named Imp. He was a huge idiot, and he annoyed everyone.

I was bored, typed in "imp" into the loggin.. typed the password "imp" and to my surprise I had leet haxed his account.

I gave all his shit away to newbies. The next day, the server had been reverted to before that happened. I thought it was funny.

Re: Your best UO bug exploit

Posted: Sat Apr 26, 2014 9:24 pm
by gh0st
On OSI servers back in the day... A buddy of mine knew how to place a boat above the z axis or w/e. We road the oceans like true pirates looting every boat in sight. If i remember correctly he told me to go to Brit West Bank. He comes rolling... Well sailing.. into town on a boat and got banned shortly after.

Re: Your best UO bug exploit

Posted: Tue Apr 29, 2014 11:14 am
by Budner
There used to be this spell that would put a WALL up, it was awesome.

Re: Your best UO bug exploit

Posted: Wed Apr 30, 2014 4:29 am
by Loathed
llama bombs- 1. Pack llama. 2. 30 G explosion pots. 3. arm one potion throw on ground and pick up at one and place into pack llama. 4. Plant the llama by any player and say "all drop"- count resumes, gray screens happen. Worked on many different servers I've played on, mainly POL, Sphere, and UOX type servers, it was interesting in the least when servers had hitching posts that allowed u to shrink said pets so that u could para someone run by plant it and say all drop, it was like a combo in itself.

"all guard me" the invention of wyrm bombing while gray incognito and w/out a horse. I'd think it was an exploit since at the time the pets didn't have to see the action taken against me, they just knew the player was gray to me and BAM! =)

keep wall traps- I horded this for a while here on UOSA, so much infact that I believe you still can't recall into the keep walls on the orciana isle keep. Even tho you should be able to, I guess to many complaints, but I always gated the dead out!! :)

i'll think of more later, drinking and shots are calling.


Re: Your best UO bug exploit

Posted: Fri May 09, 2014 9:34 am
by Malaikat
I was always more inclined to exploit mechanics rather than bugs. For those who may not know the difference, an exploitable mechanic is a purposeful game change that is being used in a way that was not intended in order to gain an advantage; while a bug is an entirely unintended, unpurposed game element.

One of my all-time favorites dates back a ways, and it was the combination of a few mechanics. It was the archery era. Archery and the other weapon skills gained passively as well as actively. Meaning that skill checks were made on your hit cycle and also on your opponent's swing. For archery, it meant you could have a single arrow in your pack and just let something pummel you to GM. At the same time, EV damage scaled up proportional to the target's INT. So, we'd start a new toon with 10 INT, grab a bow and an arrow, and then drop an EV on him. He'd take hardly any damage, but EV swings real quick so you could GM after a handful of casts.

I've talked about it here before, but another favorite from before the noto patch was when pets could be told to guard things and anyone who disturbed the guarded items would be criminally flagged. We'd just hide a pet under a house roof or tree and have it guard a stack of items on the ground then kill anyone who picked then up. At this time, loot items didn't decay with player corpses (or maybe there were no corpses), so finding a stack of gold resting on a cape and pair of boots meant someone had died there.

I also enjoyed exploiting the ability to gate monsters. There were few things more entertaining then dropping a Lich Lord or Poison Ele into a packed brit grave yard, or gating them into dungeon hot spots where they didn't belong and could cause havoc.

Re: Your best UO bug exploit

Posted: Fri May 09, 2014 9:14 pm
by Hicha
Malaikat wrote:I was always more inclined to exploit mechanics rather than bugs.
I completely agree with this type of methodology. You aren't "breaking the rules" but you're using them in an undesired effect.

My all-time favorite was exploiting NPC hirelings. I figured out you could hire an NPC in trammel, have it attack you then escort it into town, then you'd kill it. It would show gray to everyone around you, but since you hired it, it still technically belonged to you. I would drop a stack of gold on it and just wait for people to run up and loot it. The moment they grabbed the gold, they would flag criminal and get guard whacked, then you would be game to loot their body.

I did this over a period of two weeks snagging tons of bank sitter loot until it was reported and a GM watching the bank caught me in the act. I was jailed and threatened with a ban, but the logic of the game allowing me to do this and it not technically being an exploit got me off the hook with a future threat of a ban if I did it again.

Re: Your best UO bug exploit

Posted: Sat May 10, 2014 5:30 pm
by Garillo
It's been a long time since I've thought about these. Outside of using server lines to dupe gold, exploiting the newbie ticket system was always fun. You could use 10 minute email to set up trial accounts by the hundreds, walk the tickets to a parked character and combine them up for bless deeds and other goodies.

I beta tested UO and played up to the split of Trammel and Fel. Decided to give it a go about two years ago and had no luck recovering my old accounts because of problems on EA's end. Surprisingly enough, the newbie ticket exploit still worked. I spent a few weeks printing up hundreds, if not thousands, of bless deeds and spent another week or two laundering them onto other shards and markets. When all was said and done, I had a couple billion gold and was able to quickly catch up to the vets. I also reported the exploit and it was fixed around the same time, you could reference Grimm's post about it for specific dates.

Re: Your best UO bug exploit

Posted: Fri May 16, 2014 9:53 am
by Dyne
I remember when you could use this exploit to attack people in their house through the walls by abusing a LOS bug and using relative location.....oh wait...thats still in.