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Tales of Training

Posted: Thu Feb 13, 2014 11:29 am
by oopcentric
I am enjoying these tales of adventure and would like to contribute. My UO life is quite boring but hopefully from the perspective of zero-knowledge storytelling, it might breathe interest into the otherwise mundane and tedius aspects of UO of which I am currently caught up in.
Dearest Mother,
I have arrived! It has been an otherwise uneventful journey to Britain but as I write this, the cacophony of the streets fills my ears. This is a strange place Mother. I do hope that when you are well enough, you will be able to make the journey yourself so that we may be together. I still have not found a way to deliver these messages to you so I am merely keeping careful record of my adventure.

Oh Mother! I am so deeply sorry to have stolen Papa's lute before rushing off. I only hope that you both forgive me. You can trust that I shall keep it safe. I must admit that my original intent was to sell it to the luthier when I arrived but thinking of how much it means to Papa...I.. Mother I have decided to learn this as Papa did when he was a lad! Please do not laugh. I know you are recalling how clumsy I am but I am sure of it. I will become a great minstrel just like Papa!

Can you keep a secret? I have discovered a way to learn to use my hands better. I know you won't approve but I am so nimble now Mother! I don't actually take anything... I just peek. There are so many bags to explore Mother and they all have such strange things in them! I believe many of these citizens are fond of herbs and spices as they all seem to carry various plants.

Do you know what Nightshade is Mother? And what about Bloodmoss? I remember picking fresh Ginsing from the ground as a lass but these medicines confuse me. I knew that I would give myself away to ask what was in this gentleman's bag but I just had to know! He called them reagents and we spent some time studying their properties together. It is all still very confusing but I aim to explore this further in the future.

I haven't much ink left at this time Mother. I shall have to make one more apology at this time Mother. I had to sell one of the sheep for some gold. I received a modest 200 pieces for the animal. I was swindled Mother! He talked too fast and I was unable to keep up. I left 100 of the pieces where the lute was and kept 100 for myself. I am deeply regretful of my actions Mother but I simply cannot handle the boredom of home any longer. I want to live! I want adventure!

With Deepest Love,

Dearest Mother,
My hands are so deft now that I scarcely have to even think before they have already met their destination. You should be proud to know that I have ceased to search through others' belongings and have begun to devote my time instead to my scales.

Mother I sound horrible! How did Papa ever get so good at this? It must have taken him forever! Surely I am quick to the required movements but oh my accuracy is atrocious! Neverless, I shall continue practicing.

I was having a conversation with a shifty fellow about acquiring more gold and suddenly he vanished! I called out to him with a trembling voice and suddenly he was back! What a delightful trick. He explained the technique and I set to work. I too can hide in plain sight from time to time. I am not very good at it but I am sure it will come in handy.

I have exciting news! I opened up a bank account. I will strive to save enough gold to ease your journey and cover the expenses of the sheep. Please have faith and do not be angry. My pen has once again run low.

With Deepest Love,

Dearest Mother,
I cannot wait for you to hear me play. I only know the scales at this time but they sound so lovely. Oh Mother, there are so many musicians in this town! They play so feverishly that they do not even respond to me when I attempt to converse with them. Oh I do hope to have such a level of dedication to the art one day.

I found a treasure today Mother. I was depositing some gold to my bank account and there it was on the ground -- a bow! Yes, I know you hate the thought of me fighting but if I'm going to explore this land, I must learn to defend myself! I don't think that the monsters of Sosaria will sit still as I strum away on this lute.

With Deepest Love,

Dearest Mother,
Today I spent every waking moment in Lord British's Conservatory of Music. I have mastered the scales Mother! I know them all. But I am troubled Mother.

I had finally saved enough gold for a horse and raced to the stables to purchase one. When I entered, my ears were filled with a horrid sound! One bull in particular agreed with how unsettling this noise was. I yelled loudly to the player to stop but like the others, he was unresponsive. I considered my dagger but I know that taking life is wrong. I slid it quietly back into my bag and rushed out.

Running to the Conservatory again, I slapped down my bag of gold intended for the horse.

"How may I help you my dear?"

"Teach me how to soothe the savage beast with song!"

"For 230 I shall teach you everything I know."

"Yes! Do it quickly. This animal is suffering!"

And so it was Mother. He was a wonderful teacher and only took a few moments to teach me his craft. With this knowledge, I ran back to the stables and set to calm that poor bull.

Even though the beast was aggravated the majority of the time, I like to think that for the moments I could calm him, we had a connection. And we sat there for hours Mother with this poor bull in a continuous daze between abject anger and blissful ease. I soon overtook him, however, as I was able to play with greater speed. I left the stables, satisfied that the bull was indeed calm once more.

I now understand how Papa kept those dire wolves away from the sheep when the escaped the pen. Why didn't he just tell me Mother? Oh, once more the pen is drying.

Soothing Notes,

I cannot stand myself! I am a hypocrite! I have taken to angering the animals of the pen as well. I truly want to master this instrument and if that bard could do such things with his song, then I want to too! Is that wrong Mother?

It is much harder than it looks and it takes so much time! No wonder I was able to win that duet. It simply takes more skill to provoke them to anger than to calm them. I'm so foolish. I don't know how to keep this pace either. It seems as if I have been fingering these strings for ages.

I am quite proficient with my bow too now Mother. Oh, so many arrows wasted but it is worth it! At first, I couldn't even nock properly but then I thought of the songs and my mind was at peace. In one fluid motion, from quiver to ready -- I drew back and let fly. Mother, it was my first bullseye! I think I am ready for hunting small game. Surely, some meat would do me good as I've been eating bread this whole time.

Peaceful Melody,

So, there you go. First post and hopefully something original and enjoyable. As I wrote that, I realized that I do not give you RPers out there enough credit. It's pretty difficult to get into character like that. At any rate, I suppose if the mood strikes, we'll continue the story of Cam.

Take care and thank you for such a wonderful server.

Re: Tales of Training

Posted: Thu Feb 13, 2014 6:11 pm
by Roden
Thanks for your story. Enjoy the world of UO :) I try to let myself go for at least 15 mins a day in UO atmosphere, good times.