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Two locked down trophies missing

Posted: Mon Jan 06, 2014 12:03 pm
by Harmer
So I had two Christmas trophies that were locked down in my L shaped. I decided to move them to my tower and lock them down on the front porch for looks. I placed two small forges with a bronze shield on top of them and locked them down. I then placed the trophies on them and locked them down as well. I double checked to make sure they were locked down and they clearly were.
I logged off for a few days and came back to find them gone. I can’t imagine that they decayed since they have both been locked down inside my house for some time now. Furthermore, they were clearly locked down on the porch.
This is the second time I have had items missing from my account. In November I had silver and a bag of Halloween items end up missing from my bank box. I spoke to a GM about it and they basically ignored me.
I can’t imagine that someone is hacking into my account (because they are leaving a lot of other valuable stuff untouched) but I am starting to wonder…. Is there any way to find out if another IP address is logging on to my account?
Things like this make people not want to play this game…

Re: Two locked down trophies missing

Posted: Mon Jan 06, 2014 12:58 pm
by Xanben
I had a similar problem with the rare vase on my porch. I had left it there and was planning to move it soon once I got a few more vases. Came back and it had vanished from my porch, which was odd considering it had been locked down on the porch for a while now.

Re: Two locked down trophies missing

Posted: Mon Jan 20, 2014 1:15 pm
by nevermind
first i would try ctrl+ shift to see if they come up in the tabs. then i would take an axe to the forges. my thinking is that they have fallen under the forges.

Re: Two locked down trophies missing

Posted: Mon Jan 20, 2014 1:20 pm
by Capitalist
If they were Christmas trophies, they were newbied. So in the time you panicked and tried to figure it out, they decayed.