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DG Town Add-Ons

Posted: Sun Nov 24, 2013 1:05 pm
by Light Shade

We've fostered more new players to the shard over the years than perhaps any other guild, even one of our spin-off guilds had well over 100 members at one time. We've always been a more than generous group of players and will continue to be.

Alas, none of this counts for anything. It is our guild's contention that we have given and continue to give more than enough to this shard to warrant the Add-Ons sticking around. The Staff feels otherwise, so we have asked that the Staff just delete them. We have no desire to be held hostage over these pixels. We know that we've given more than enough to this shard for years...with our latest event being in August of this year. ( Bungling Squire's Tale )

We're saddened as this seems to just be deleting the history of our shard, but we have always been a poor guild as a result of our giving ways. Simply put, we never could have afforded the price of the Add-Ons in the first place if it weren't for the incredibly generous donations of other players that supported our efforts to help this shard. We certainly can't afford them now as our wealthy benefactors have given all their wealth away and moved on to other things.

Perhaps, if we had been given fair warning of the Staff's Policy change, we could have done something to scrounge up the necessary gold/ingots/boards to keep the town add-ons around, but it was a complete surprise to us and started happening with no warning at all. I am the Guildmaster of this guild and I knew NOTHING of this, so it was rather disappointing. Yes, there is an old post with a rule laid out but as those who have dealt with Town Add-Ons know...this rule was never actually enforced until now. So, if you go to visit DG Town now, you'll see that some of the roads are already gone.

Bottom Line: The Add-Ons in the town will be disappearing, so don't get used to them...even if you feel they are a part of the history of this shard. They will be going the way of the Dodo.

Take Care UOSA,


Re: DG Town Add-Ons

Posted: Sun Nov 24, 2013 5:11 pm
by a Bungling Guard

should have posted more of my mis...adventures
