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Close encounters of the neon kind

Posted: Wed Oct 16, 2013 6:48 pm
by Malaikat
I've been meaning to tell this story for a while now, and the recent posts from Felix to Cave have reminded me of it.

RJ was the first character I interacted with on uosa. It was my first day and I had previously been on a shard where neons were common. A gray sprints into the theater in Jehlom where I'm setting a macro, and I halfheartedly call guards. He drops dead...

I walk over and casually loot an unblessed neon jester hat...then promptly start my macro up and alt-tab. It just never occurred to me that I should bank it. Minutes later I of course come back to black & white and RJ telling my ghost that I just missed out on (what at the time was) 3 Mil...

Thanks for nothing Felix

Re: Close encounters of the neon kind

Posted: Wed Oct 16, 2013 11:17 pm
by Menkaure
Can't jester hats be dyed any color ? Or was this one like the white cloth type?
Either way its still pretty funny ;)

Re: Close encounters of the neon kind

Posted: Fri Oct 18, 2013 4:07 am
by Still Standing
Yea I dont get it, neon jester cap? plus didnt r- have like 2900 short term murders i just wouldnt see someone rushing into jhelom on a red that deep

Re: Close encounters of the neon kind

Posted: Fri Oct 18, 2013 6:49 am
by Malaikat
Was rj not r- and I meant to specify he was gray.

Re: Close encounters of the neon kind

Posted: Fri Oct 18, 2013 7:55 am
by Still Standing
Oh my bad :) in that case please inform the shard i am selling hazy blue neon jester hats for 500k each

Re: Close encounters of the neon kind

Posted: Fri Oct 18, 2013 1:21 pm
by Menkaure
*waits for reply from Mala on the jester hat*
Im curious about this hat, was it ice white Mal?

Re: Close encounters of the neon kind

Posted: Fri Oct 18, 2013 1:25 pm
by Malaikat
Naw it was before the ice white fad. This would have been december 2010. From my recollection it was an event neon, but I didn't pay it much attention so it only registered with my consciousness for a brief moment. I pm'd Felix. Maybe he'll be kind enough to jog my memory and further explain what actually happened.

Re: Close encounters of the neon kind

Posted: Sun Oct 20, 2013 9:01 am
by son
Are you talking about unblessed neon hair dye? Because I was doing that scam for about 3 months. Either that or silver. No amount of clothing was worth 3m when I played except neon sandals.

Re: Close encounters of the neon kind

Posted: Sun Oct 20, 2013 10:04 am
by Malaikat
Maybe that was item. Whatever it was, you were crim flagged when you got to me.

Re: Close encounters of the neon kind

Posted: Sun Oct 20, 2013 10:33 am
by son
I was pulling silver scams off nerds for months. I was playing nondescript new looking chars who had just "inherited" large sums of silver. It was easy, I would advertise 50+ silver for sale nearing half price of its value, because I was new and had no idea of its value. Herds of assholes tried to take advantage of my apparent newbienesss in an attempted lowball, but that was what I wanted. I would do a transfer with a pre armed steal, and do steal last target steal last target. I also had another thief ready to rock. Idiots would sometimes try and hide behind 1 tile blockes, but a tele ring worked to get around that. You could also log out, if you knew the idiot's patterns, where he would be behind.

But I was obsessed with pulling 1m+ scams for every transaction, as the silver one was too expensive in time as well random in value. So I traded silver to get 1 hair dye and beard dye from D. The dye functioned the same as normal dye except it was not newbie. It weighed one stone. I would offer the dye at banks and sell it for a castle deed, if guard whacked after transfer, I had the other thief also on the ready with last item. I only lost 1 dye in the lifetime of the scam, and it was not to a gw, it was actually because I fucked up the steal. The idiot used the dye, and it was worth 2 times the value (because trading in silver for dye was a sucker's bet, as silver at the time made it cost twice as much as the dye was worth.) I even tried to buy the shit back at 1.5 the value, but the idiot just used it, so I lost 1m.

This scam, I was most proud of. No one knew who my 2 thieves were, they were named Mike and Steve, a cardinal sin in my naming convention, I used expensive outfits and rode a mare often (why would a thief risk losing unblessed bridals)?. Only Matron and ns knew I pulled this scam, and I could never gloat about it because I was pulling it off near my ending UOSA career, and it continued to be effective, until I quit. Truly proud of it, even better than the singing ball scam, because on that event, I just lucked into an idiot being an idiot.

Only real idiots would actually leave town to pull this scam off, from memory only 1 or 2 people did it. Nightshark actually convinced Jen to come to a vendor to buy the unblessed hair dye for a million, which I easily and almost risk free stole off her. Jokes on us as she ended up with a ton of my pixels when I quit, including hair dye.

I likely had just pulled the scam off and you called guards on me, but I honestly cannot remember. I may have had a weird outfit on, including maybe a lep hat to make my char look like a mule who never was intended to die. Lep hats were not worth 3m. The dye, to me, would have been worth 2m in silver, and perhaps you never looted it.

Re: Close encounters of the neon kind

Posted: Sun Oct 20, 2013 10:49 am
by Malaikat
You town killed me while afk shortly after. So, whatever the valuable item was I had it. Also, I know the toon was RJ. At least RJ was the one you used to town kill me. Was 3 years ago, so I'm also a little hazy on the details.

Re: Close encounters of the neon kind

Posted: Sun Oct 20, 2013 11:25 am
by son
Your post made me nostalgic and I've been reading forums all morning, I love this game.