Rubber Banding Issue/ Start/Stop jerky movement issue CAUSE

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Rubber Banding Issue/ Start/Stop jerky movement issue CAUSE

Post by keelonzo »

So I've been having an issue where my character, all of a sudden, becomes jerky and "rubberbands" all over the map and/or continues to run-in-place. I know when this is occurring when my mount doesn't complete a step after I've stopped walking/running/moving. The problem seem to have come out of the blue one day, and seemed to only happen to one of my main chars all of the time and others *some* of the time.....

Until this evening when I rekeyed my house and changed my previous "unlock door" macro on a different character.

I believe that I was de-syncing from the server somehow when the macro played, which included walking 2 steps north. The goofy part about it, is that "re-sync client" in razor doesn't work to resolve the issue - it just allows my character's mount to finish its step. The ONLY way that I've found that resolves the issue is to log out completely, close my client, and restart. Was such a pain... I'm glad I've finally found the issue.

Is there a known issue with using movement in a macro? Should I create a separate macro for locking and unlocking and just move myself in-between?
DUH - just use the SAME macro for both :oops:

Thanks in advance

Missy B
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Re: Rubber Banding Issue/ Start/Stop jerky movement issue CA

Post by Missy B »

using a walking line inside a macro causes your client to shutter like that. separating them into different macros does not fix it. one way to fix it...

example :
double click key
target door (unlock)
double click door (opens door)
double click key
target door (lock it)

manually walk in
manually close door once inside

Light Shade
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Re: Rubber Banding Issue/ Start/Stop jerky movement issue CA

Post by Light Shade »

ANY automated walking via Razor will cause this. It is a known bug of sorts. You have to exit UO/Razor and restart the client to really get rid of it.
[20:08] <@Kaivan> We have a ridable Maahes in Green Acres.
[10:00] <TheBreadman> leeds did a takeover on secondage
[10:00] <@Derrick> hax

Tom: Get bad bro

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