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Sudden Death

Posted: Wed Jul 17, 2013 11:03 pm
by AshBorn
Some fights have gone extremely long. Should I add a sudden death to each fight after 10 minutes? Basically when I call sudden death, and count down from 10, there is no more healing.

That will end a fight very quickly but can really change things.

What say ye?

Re: Sudden Death

Posted: Wed Jul 17, 2013 11:32 pm
by Bixby Legbone
If implemented.. maybe consider having both fighters be poisoned to reduce the chances of 'I accidentally hit my chug heal potion hot-key'. The random ticking down of poisoning interrupting spell casting would add another dimension to sudden death.

Re: Sudden Death

Posted: Wed Jul 17, 2013 11:42 pm
by AshBorn
Well heal pots are illegal anyway. But poison would certainly hasten things...

Re: Sudden Death

Posted: Thu Jul 18, 2013 11:38 am
by Abyz
I understand speeding things up, but I sure would be sad to die to sudden death silliness! *shrugs*

Re: Sudden Death

Posted: Thu Jul 18, 2013 1:34 pm
by Menkaure
Server events had sudden death. Im sorry Abyz, but I think sudden death is a must here.
TWO reasons:
1)This past tourney lasted 3 hours. Which, is a long time for people who gotta wake up early in the am.
2)It sucks to die in sudden death, but at the same time, it gives some guys a chance. For example, lets say you, Abyz, had to fight Pakman Waka in round 2. Out of 100 fights, you would beat Pakman every time probably. At least with sudden death it gives the other guy a chance if hes fighting well.

Every tournament, its been the same top 5-10 almost every time that make it to the final 4, and rightfully so, we/they are better then most of the competition, but at least this adds the dimension of a shot for the underdog.
Then again, I just look at it like this: Server events had them, so we should too :P
Just my opinion.

Re: Sudden Death

Posted: Thu Jul 18, 2013 1:36 pm
by Menkaure
Bixby Legbone wrote:If implemented.. maybe consider having both fighters be poisoned to reduce the chances of 'I accidentally hit my chug heal potion hot-key'. The random ticking down of poisoning interrupting spell casting would add another dimension to sudden death.

You canT heal through poison in T2A man. If Im poisoned, I can still drink a heal pot. And yea, heal pots are not allowed at the tourney, just red pots.

Re: Sudden Death

Posted: Thu Jul 18, 2013 1:51 pm
by Jay
It might be a good idea to allow sudden death in the preliminary matches to speed things up but not the final few matches.

Re: Sudden Death

Posted: Thu Jul 18, 2013 1:53 pm
by Menkaure
Jay wrote:It might be a good idea to allow sudden death in the preliminary matches to speed things up but not the final few matches.

Good point Jay.
I say sudden death, but when the final four comes, no sudden death!

Re: Sudden Death

Posted: Thu Jul 18, 2013 2:01 pm
by Freight Elevator
You can have multiple matches going at the same time if you want to speed up that part. Also I think
Menkaure wrote:2)It sucks to die in sudden death, but at the same time, it gives some guys a chance.
is a good reason NOT to have sudden death.

Re: Sudden Death

Posted: Thu Jul 18, 2013 3:16 pm
by Abyz
Freight Elevator wrote:You can have multiple matches going at the same time if you want to speed up that part. Also I think
Menkaure wrote:2)It sucks to die in sudden death, but at the same time, it gives some guys a chance.
is a good reason NOT to have sudden death.

Kinda my feeling on the matter.

The way to do a proper large tourney is on some twin towers! If anyone is interested in selling some for the sake of ashborns top notch tourneys, let me know. Id prob buy and coown to ash.

Re: Sudden Death

Posted: Thu Jul 18, 2013 3:27 pm
by AshBorn
I was hoping this would be a little more cut and dry.. If their is contention, I probably wouldn't be able to introduce the new rule.


Twin towers would be nice, and bongy did friend me to some triplets but there are a few problems when I don't own the tower... Sometimes current co owners / friends of the towers I don't own will cause grief or need to be removed for some reason which I wouldn't be able to do and then I can't rule with the ultimate power required from impartiality.

Also, I would probably need a co host to help as well.