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DG CTF Towers - Open For Events

Posted: Sun Jun 02, 2013 12:52 pm
by Light Shade

The DG CTF Towers are open to the public. Players or guilds interested in hosting events in the Towers need just PM Light Shade on the forums or Lightshade in IRC if they would like to ask me for help. Otherwise, feel free to use them without me.

These towers are great for hosting all sorts of team games ranging from paintball, team fights, to CTF's and more. If you are wanting to host an event, this is a great venue for doing so. Many events have been hosted here over the years and hopefully many more are to come.

These towers are also great for simply practicing for Field PvP fights. If you've got a bunch of new players in your guild and you're looking to train them up, feel free to use these towers.



Chests may be trapped as leftovers from events or from sneaky bards looking to cause mischief. These will be public, so no chest can be trusted. Please don't be "That Guy". ;)

Any PK's, Thieves, or Opportunistic Looters caught camping these buildings with the goal of lining their purses will be permanently banned with zero exceptions. These are for fun. You can go farm / loot / rob people elsewhere.

I hope you all get a chance to enjoy these CTF Towers.


DG CTF Towers - Screenshots

Posted: Sun Jun 02, 2013 12:52 pm
by Light Shade




