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Posted: Thu Apr 25, 2013 5:53 pm
by DwMcAliley
To all the inhabitants of the realm:

By order and decree of Necromancer, Emperor of White Harbor, Guildmaster of the White Fraternity, a Second Gladatorial Games shall be held at the White Harbor Coliseum on May 11th at 8:00 pm central time (9 eastern).

These games will be a true contest of a warrior's bravery, skill, and courage. All are welcome to attend, regardless of standing with the Guards our Lord British has stationed in the cities. For this event, all previous grudges and feuds shall be laid aside, and the Pax Imperia shall hold. Spectators are welcome, as always, and there will be refreshments available upon request.

For these games there shall be two main events; a dualist (1v1) tournament and then a royal rumble style restling match.

First, there will be the dualist tournament in which entrants shall face one another in single combat to the death. The structure is as follows:

1. There will be three levels, a 1k entry fee, a 5k entry fee, and a 10k entry fee.

2. Contestants may enter one and only one of the dualist tournament brackets.

3. Any and all magic weapons, spells, potions, general weapons, and all else are open game. The only exception is, once again, no pets for this tournament. (don't worry, tamers, we're working up a format for you guys...)

4. For each brackett, the prize shall be 90% of the entry fees collected for that particular brackett, and the prize money shall be awarded to the winner in the most convenient and expedient form possible (i.e. multiple house deeds, if neccessary, for larger sums of money).

5. Registration is open from now until May 10th. NO REGISTRATION ON THE DAY OF EVENT!! We need to have bracketts and prizes firmly established by then.

More on registration later.

The second main event is a Royal Rumble style wrestling match. The format is as follows:

1. There must be between 10 and 15 entrants.

2. 5k entry fee.

3. Only bare skin fists and bare skin bodies.

4. No magic of any kind, no potions, no bandages, no clothing, no armor, and absolutely no weapons. Violators will be ejected and will forfeit their entry fees.

5. Grand prize is a small house deed, and shall be awarded to the last contestant alive at the end of the match.

6. This will be a true Royal Rumble match, in which all contestants will enter the arena together and combat will begin. Only when there is a single contestant left alive will the match be called.

7. NO REGISTRATION ON THE DAY OF THE EVENT!!! All entrants must be registered by May 10th. You may register in one of the dualist tournament bracketts as well as the royal rumble.

8. 15 person firm limit on the contestants. First come, first served.


In order to register for any of these events simply contact a member of White Harbor (Guild patch is *F*) and let them know you are interested in registering for the upcoming games. If that particular individual cannot help you, then they will put you in touch with someone who can.

Once again, the registration for these events are open to one and all from now until May 10th at 11:59 pm central time (or until 15 contestants enter the royal rumble). Murderers are welcome, so long as they are willing to restrain their tendencies for violence when outside the arena itself. Any violators of the Pax Imperia shall be dealt with swiftly.

So come, warriors of the realm, and test your metal against the bravest, the toughest, the deadliest who walk these pages of history. Come, and write your place in the songs and legends of ages yet to pass. Honor.... Glory...... Fortune.... They are all yours. You have but to stretch out your hand....

And take them.

Signed and Sealed,

Ascher Kraw
Lord Captain of the Imperial Guard, White Harbor


Posted: Fri Apr 26, 2013 7:30 am
by farnk
count me in


Posted: Fri Apr 26, 2013 2:26 pm
by Pro
Farnk in for the wrestling?


Posted: Sat Apr 27, 2013 4:12 am
by farnk
farnk r gladitr wrstlr

Preparations-- White Harbor (GLADIATORIAL GAMES)

Posted: Thu May 02, 2013 12:46 am
by DwMcAliley
Training in White Harbor is under way for the upcoming Gladiatorial Games!!

Our last contest featured a long and distinguished roll of worty combatants. During the tournament itself, we came under attack from an onslaught of white wyrms sent by some disgruntled party.

The beasts savaged several spectators before they could be expelled from the Coliseum and dispatched in the jungle. In the end, all who lost their lives were restored to good health, and the night went on.

After that, things went more than smoothly. Several friendly wagers were made on some of the more heated battles, and more than one pouch of coin traded hands (unfortunately for me, most of mine never came back again...). And yes, a bottle or two may have been passed among friends as well.

The matches were fought bravely and the combat was intense at times. The Champions proved their worth, as did the others.

And so, we train. For we know that this time, our names have spread. More will come to answer our call. More will bare steel and cross blades. For we know that hunger that burns in the hearts of men and women alike. That thirst for the roar of the crowd ringing in your ears. The steady beat of a thousand feet against the stones around you.

We who have stood in the arena, saluted the Emperor, and prepared ourselves to die or live as the Fates decide, we know the cruel seduction of fame. That same seduction is what keeps the bandit kings robbing in the woods and dungeons of the realm. They already have wealth beyond measure, but they still thirst for more fame, more notoriety. The same for the Pirates that claim vessels only to watch them burn, having no need of the wealth therein. That kind of fame, that kind of power, is like a drug once tasted and never forgotten.

And now that some have tasted it, more will come.

We welcome you to the table, dear friends. Eat, drink, and be merry!!! For tomorrow, we all may die!

The Baron Zeddar,
in his own hand


Posted: Sat May 11, 2013 6:43 pm
by shonnie53


Posted: Sun May 12, 2013 6:51 am
by KingCo