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Me fownd diz

Posted: Wed Apr 24, 2013 4:13 pm
by Orc

Re: Me fownd diz

Posted: Wed Apr 24, 2013 5:27 pm
by Pirul
Don't mean to rub it in, but I did tell you this wasn't the shadowclan's first dance on this server.

With the demise of URK, it is my sincerest wish that you guys thrive in a way that will allow you to get your fort as a place where you can fight freely.

Re: Me fownd diz

Posted: Thu Apr 25, 2013 1:04 am
by Chance
A group of Shadowclan players played under the banner of Broken Tusk Horde previously here on UOSA - the above link is about "Storm Reavers" who just copied ... everything from Catskills Shadowclan (or attempted to). Broken Tusk Horde was first born back on Angel Island, some years ago, when Shadowclan still held the official stance of "NO PLAYER RUN SHARDS" for official Shadowclan Branches. This later changed, and Broken Tusk Horde was absorbed into what was then called the Shadowclan Horde on Angel Island.

Some Shadowclanners also played with Bloodrock here on UOSA in the past, and some of those players are active with Shadowclan again now that they have an active UO branch going. To the best of my knowledge, the thread linked in the OP here doesn't have anything to do with Shadowclan, other than having borrowed most/all of Catskills rules/hierarchy. This *is* SHADOWCLAN'S first go at UOSA flying under the "official SC banner", to my knowledge. Storm Reaver, if I recall correctly, was the name that the RP Orc clan on Atlantic used.

PS: Siege was better than Catskills :)