Dirk Smallwood

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dirk smallwood
Posts: 42
Joined: Fri Mar 07, 2008 12:59 am

Dirk Smallwood

Post by dirk smallwood »

Character Name: Dirk Smallwood

Type of Character: (Warrior)

Skills: Completly new. Expecting: fencing, tacs, anat, healing, resist, Magery/or stealthing, Eval/and or hiding.

RolePlay Experience?: Very little, I have participated in a few rp events on previous uo servers

PvP Experience?: the UOR era ima mage pvp pro, It'll prolly take alot of adjustments for me to learn to pvp correctly here.

Are you a NEW to UO player?: Played on and off since 98ish?

Do you have a sponser? If so, who?: Negative

Pigeon: Davidbishop1990

Race of Character: Human

Character Background: Dirk Smallwood is aproximately 6'2, with a warrior body type. He comes from the Illustrious Smallwood family. At birth, each Smallwood is chosen a profession by their parents (Thief, Mage, Animal Trainer, Bard, Craftsmen, Etc.), and trained their entire lives in that profession. Dirk's chosen profession is that of the wandering warrior, a sword for hire. He was taught to fence from a young age, and His brother and grandfather (Papa Smallwood) taught him somewhat in the ways of magic. His last master has died of natural causes, and he now romes the slums of britain, keeping his skills sharp by training on bullfrogs and the like, waiting until he can find a band of soldiers to join, or even another master to serve.

How did you hear of the THG?: From these forums.

WHY do you wish to join the THG?: I'm new to this server, and playing is just so much more fun when you have a good group of people to play with, also I would like to add the roleplay aspect to fill in the mindless parts of uo

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