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New player status

Posted: Tue Apr 09, 2013 5:29 am
by Newguy
I just joined the shard today and had all my gold stolen in Britania after a couple hour hacking wood to save up for training and supplies.Gotta say im pretty disapointed that there isnt a honeymoon for new players.Takes the wind out of my sails if you know what i mean.Won't cry too much just thought id mention thats a pretty bad way to welcome new players to your shard.

Re: New player status

Posted: Tue Apr 09, 2013 5:32 am
by Capitalist
I had 400 gold after nearly an hour in the graveyard running when I had too low of hp on my first character. It was stolen. I then learned to avoid thieves. It's glad that you learned this lesson sooner than later.

Re: New player status

Posted: Tue Apr 09, 2013 5:35 am
by Andersonius
Its not to make things hard for new players. It is simply not era accurate to have a new player status. You must rough it. You will surely lose some things here and there be it to thievery or murder.

All you can do is keep on keeping on. Its what its all about...the unforgiving world of Brittannia!

Good luck on your ventures!

Re: New player status

Posted: Tue Apr 09, 2013 9:57 am
by Kinja
I'm fairly new too, been here about six weeks.

Rule #1 - Get out of Britain, that place is always trouble. I would suggest avoiding Skara and Yew, and maybe Moonglow as well until you are practiced at keeping your stuff out of thieves' hands. Unfortunately those are the towns with highest concentration of players, but of course that is what a thief looks for - marks aplenty.

Rule #2 - Never trust anyone until they have proven themselves, and even then be wary. If someone comes close, assume they are not out for your best interests.

It can be daunting getting started, but if you apply appropriate caution and suspicion, and stay away from likely trouble areas (WBB!), you can make it. After six weeks I have a small house and the gold for another, as well as several developed characters. I am sure other players could have amassed much more than me, but I don't play to just collect vast wealth. Keep your chin up and soldier on, learning from the lumps you take.

Re: New player status

Posted: Tue Apr 09, 2013 11:26 am
by Missy B
when you lose 100 gold as a new character, it seems rough. some how losing 100 gold after a few months shouldnt hurt at all. good luck and a hang in there.