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Bundle of Flax on Tailor shop vendor... Missing ?

Posted: Fri Apr 05, 2013 8:48 pm
by Francois424
I hinted to this in the "So I started a tailor" thread, but I beleive this is worth it's own entry.

I might be wrong about this, but I clearly remember buying FLAX(or bundle thereof) at town merchant, then converting it into spools of thread. I checked yesterday, and there was no FLAX for sale on the vendor (admittingly I was in Delucia, correct me if there arent any in T2A zones).

Will FLAX be added to vendor ? It would only be fair as it's a better option than buying threads@21gp, Bolts@120gp or Cotton@122gp (was lots cheaper actually but dont remember the price on top of my head).

Thank you.
-- François

[Edit: I've been thinking about it for a while, and if memory serves me right, they where 72gp each, but I may be off by a few gps].