Ramirez Application

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Ramirez Application

Post by XRamirezx »

Character Name: Ramirez

Type of Character: Fencer/Sin

Skills: Fencing 70 healing...LOW poisoning about 50ish

RolePlay Experience?: A bit on OSI

PvP Experience?: Some here and there. Nothing too serious.

Are you a NEW to UO player?: Played for as long as I can remember

Do you have a sponser? Negative

Pigeon: Try not to use any Instant messagys...ask if you need it.

Race of Character: Human

Character Background: male, 6'4, 24-25 yrs old. Raised in a mid-class community he gained some experience as a alchemist in a retail field. 3 months after his 21st birthday Orcs invaded his hometown slaughtering most the population. He defended himself by applying poisons to his weapon and making his way out of his newly destroyed town. Jumped ship to the mainland, was attacked by Krakens on the way. Ship was destroyed and was found along the shores of Trinsic where he trained in fighting and has been living there sense.

How did you hear of the THG?: Met yah at the bank

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