Nicolasrm application

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Nicolasrm application

Post by nicolasrm »

Character Name: (Nicolasrm)

Type of Character: (Tamer/Mage)

Skills: (Magery, Meditation, Animal Taming, Animal Lore, Veterinary, Musicianship and Provocation)

RolePlay Experience?: (no)

PvP Experience?: (litle)

Are you a NEW to UO player?: (relative new)

Do you have a sponser? If so, who?: (No)

Race of Character: (human)

Character Background: (male, 6'1, 27 yrs old. when i was young i lived in britan near of the forest i usually go there and spent long hours whit animals, after my family died my relation whit nature increase after several years of studing magery and musicianship i was introduced by Dupre in the THG and become the stablemaster)

How did you hear of the THG?: (Dupre helped me get started and told me of the guild)

WHY do you wish to join the THG?: (Really a good guild and a lot of great members .)

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