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Official Announcement -- White Harbor

Posted: Mon Feb 25, 2013 12:56 am
by DwMcAliley
Let it be known to all within the realm:

I, Ascher Kraw, Lord Captain of the Imperial Guard of White Harbor and the White Fraternity, faithful servant of Justice, Honor, and the Emperor Necromancer, hereby recommend Turbo Al'Esaul for promotion to the rank of Lieutenant.

Turbo has demonstrated gallantry in the face of certain death; refused to quit the field of battle, remaining to his own mortal hazard, in order to heal his embattled companions; he also led two successful expeditions, one to the Fire Dungeons to assault the dark mages who call it home, and one to the undead crypts near Delucia.

Turbo has proven his prowess with the blade, his steadfast courage in the face of danger, and his devotion to the virtues. By the powers vested in me as Lord Captain, by Emperor Necromancer, and the ruling council of White Harbor, I hereby grant Turbo Al'Esaul the rank of Lieutenant of the Guard, with all the rights, priveleges, and duties therein.

Signed and sealed,

Ascher Kraw,
Lord Captain of the Guard
White Harbor
White Fraternity

Re: Official Announcement -- White Harbor

Posted: Mon Feb 25, 2013 1:01 am
by DwMcAliley
Congratulations to Lieutenant Turbo, the first officer of the Imperial Guard. Hopefully this is the first of many official announcements from White Harbor.

Signed and Sealed,

Ascher Kraw
Lord Captain of the Guard

Re: Official Announcement -- White Harbor

Posted: Mon Feb 25, 2013 2:39 pm
by Kylathew
Congratulations Lieutenant !
May our blades be always on the same side.

Re: Official Announcement -- White Harbor

Posted: Wed Feb 27, 2013 11:55 am
by shonnie53
yes this is a great honor for the White Harbor Guard... Turbo will do us proud. Glad and honored to have you with us in a fight, on a quest and protecting the people of White Harbor.. may your blade always ring true
