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Crashing upon login info

Posted: Sat Feb 16, 2013 3:12 am
by Namegoeshere
I logged in once and walked around a bit, but then I suddenly DC'd and now I can't get back online.
I get to the account login info, but when I press enter it goes to "Connecting" and crashes..
Please help :( I dont know what to do.

Re: Crashing upon login info

Posted: Sat Feb 16, 2013 3:21 am
by Ghostland
I am new to the server as of today but to answer your questions I think the other 780 people I saw online today are experiencing the same issue as you can see the number of people online at the 0 mark. I suspect the server is down for some reason or for regular maint???? Again I am not sure as I am new today to this server and can not wait to get in there. Man I miss this game in its purest form. :D

Re: Crashing upon login info

Posted: Sat Feb 16, 2013 3:23 am
by Namegoeshere
Ah yeah, it must be some kind of server maint.. I just tried to get online again and it let me login to the demo, they must be fixing things. Cant wait to get in there. Thanks for the response :)