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NEW PvP!!!!!!!

Posted: Sun Feb 10, 2013 11:30 pm
by Sin Cloud
All you NEW members that want to PvP..

There will be a few requirements, although not NEEDED.. but REALLY helps in coordinating well with your group.

Speakers are a must. A mic is a +. Skype and/or RaidCall.

You will need to supply your own equipment, for PvP is an expensive habit, unless you do a lot of killing instead of dying, in that case it's a profitable habit.

And PATIENCE. This is probably the most valued.. because for those that get antsy and want to jump into things quickly are the ones that die the fastest if not knowing what they're doing.

So... all in all, if you want to PvP.. and learn to PvP.. know that you're going to DIE a lot. Don't get frustrated, just get back up and get back out there and try again.

PM me in IRC if you're willing to learn and want to have fun killing........and dying lol


Re: NEW PvP!!!!!!!

Posted: Wed Feb 27, 2013 1:47 am
by chainsoar


Re: NEW PvP!!!!!!!

Posted: Fri Mar 08, 2013 4:51 pm
by RaveGreen
Sin Cloud wrote:All you NEW members that want to PvP...
Hi Sin,

I'm not in NEW, not in any guild right now, but have been hanging around with a couple C^V the last couple weeks. Really enjoying my time here so far. Many people on this shard have been really helpful.

I saw this post (quoted above) and wanted to ask you a few questions, if you don't mind. I've got my pvp character ready to the point of starting to learn how to actually do it again, but I'm not confident enough in my ability yet and don't have a great wealth of resources (yet... again) to want to jump right into dieing and losing everything. :oops:


1. Does NEW or anyone on this server offer some sort or training, or like to set up dueling/sparing sessions?

2. How big of a disadvantage is say... 90 resist versus GM?

3. I know you run or ran a PK guild, so I'm curious how you balance being a PK and then also trying to be a helpful "NEW" guy?


Re: NEW PvP!!!!!!!

Posted: Sat Mar 16, 2013 1:03 pm
by Sin Cloud
There are a few guys that help with PvP, and I know I posted here a while ago offering to train.. but I am unfortunately moving soon irl and don't know when I'll be back.. so this training offer on my end has to be postponed.

There is a noticeable difference in 90/GM because those 6th+ level spells are resisted more as GM.

I ran a PK guild for a bit, but in all honesty.. I did and still do more anti-pk than I ever do actually PKing.
And when I do PK, most of the time I leave anyone tagged as NEW alone for the most part.

Your best bet on learning to PvP and getting the mechanics down is honestly going into IRC and asking for duels.. then when you've got your hally timer down, and your spell combos up to par, and heals perfect.. then you get out there and field fight or ask for 2v2 duels. Every aspect of PvP that I know now was actually self taught since I was a kid back on OSI days along with some ideas learned from watching the best PvPers of that time. So get on out there, die a lot but learn your mistakes and correct them. That is honestly the best way to learn imo

Have fun and enjoy!