Terrible server for new players

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Terrible server for new players

Post by Topota »

Hello this is Topota.

I have been playing for over a month now, and I love the server for the great, as I have seen it's said in this forums, "age accuracy". So before you get me wrong:

- I am more than ok, and you won't see me complain about being robbed, pked, or griefed in any way the game gives you the possibility of suffering from it, and if it happens it was mostly your fault for being where you weren't supposed to be in the wrong moment. That's what makes UO great, you don't do stupid things or act mindlessly, that feeling has been lost for years and any other mmo have been able to reproduce it, as they all have been dumbed down for commercial purposes.

What is grinding my gears and ruinning my game experience, you guess, is the fact that you cannot buy reagents anywhere in felucca. It is a terrible waste of time for new players having to go by your own ( I don't even have runebooks ) from one city to another, crossing your fingers, to find some reagents.

I am forced, if I want to keep on playing the game and enjoying it, to buy reagents from player run shops at over inflated prices such as 7-8k gold for a single 1k reagent stack, when they go half of that on vendors, just because some smart guy has a macro running 24/7 to empty all the reagent vendors in the whole map.

As far as I know unatended resource gathering such as logs or ores is unalowed, but I can't think of any reasong why is that worse than mass regs buying. I don't care about a guy getting 200k iron ingots a night, it doesn't affect me at all, or the server economy. If I wanted iron, I would just go and mine it myself. But what I am supposed to do with magery reagents, gather them one at a time as they grow in the nature?

This thread might have been the result of internet nerd rage as I have lost about 1 hour and a half going from city to city with my horse as the only help, and could only manage to buy reagents to cast 100 flamestrikes or so. I could be ok with that, If I didn't plan on leveling a crafter an inscribber/poisoner, and a mage for pvp purposes after I finish with my dexxer, but suddenly I have lost almost all my interest in playing anymore.

As I have seen I am not the first one venting out because of this, please take a look into this gamebreaking issue.

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Re: Terrible server for new players

Post by HardCore »

Don't forget, more regs spawn on the ground randomly now so you could turn it into a fun scavenger hunt and run all over the world collecting regs for free!
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Re: Terrible server for new players

Post by Nystal »

I know it doesn't help with your concern (to which to a large extent I agree with personally). But theres a few Player Run Vendors around Empath Abbey in Yew selling at 3.75/4.75 a reg. Thats only .75 markup for a mage guilded player buying from vendors.
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Re: Terrible server for new players

Post by Millerisfuntoplay »

I like buyying regs off player run vendors due to lazyness. Honestly make a bard farm deatard u will have alot of gold I a day and can be lazy too.

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Re: Terrible server for new players

Post by Downs »

the amount of 1 day old/1 post accounts complaining about this makes me suspect that 1-3 people that play/played here are the ones trying to cause problems
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Re: Terrible server for new players

Post by wrathofjo »

I really don't get the issues certain perople are having with this. If you're paying more than 1 gold over the vendor price then you're simply not looking hard enough for the right seller. Even if you were brand spakin' new you could train up a warrior go earn 15kish and buy 500 of each reg. Even if I could buy regs in quantities of less than 1k from the NPCs I wouldn't because it's so much easer to just fill up at the player vendors.

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Re: Terrible server for new players

Post by Pirul »

Please take your comments about afk reg buying to any of the many other threads discussing it. Here, I'll make it simple for you:

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Re: Terrible server for new players

Post by Ohm »

Kwik-E-Mart, in the Vesper Strip just North of Vesper Bank, has regs at .6 and .8 over npc price
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Re: Terrible server for new players

Post by satori »

i agree with downs, he said exactly what i was thinking.

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Re: Terrible server for new players

Post by son »

Is AFK reg buying really a problem here? I cant imagine its actually a disservice, as the nerds who take the time to buy regs up are actually saturating the supply.

Meaning, they are spawning regs up to 999. Sure you might not get the regs you need right away, but once in a while you will see a 999 of a reg and will reap the benefit of some other telamon like retard who decided to spend his fun time writing a macro that bought up regs from npc.

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Re: Terrible server for new players

Post by Mr.CandyMan »

I don't really agree with satori and Downs. Mainly because of the huge population spike recently.

But back to the OP. I am 6-7 days old on this shard and am making enough money to buy from player vendors. Plus it helps to know where the really cheap vendors are.

I really hate buying from player vendors for one reason and one reason only. I am helping another player, that I don't even know, get farther in the game...

But just buy from player vendors anyway.

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Re: Terrible server for new players

Post by AlexCCCP »

son wrote:Is AFK reg buying really a problem here? I cant imagine its actually a disservice, as the nerds who take the time to buy regs up are actually saturating the supply.

Meaning, they are spawning regs up to 999. Sure you might not get the regs you need right away, but once in a while you will see a 999 of a reg and will reap the benefit of some other telamon like retard who decided to spend his fun time writing a macro that bought up regs from npc.
Reg spawn changed, instead of doubling it only goes up by 9. Thus hitting 999 is an insane proposition nowadays. Thats why reg buying is an issue now.

Personally I stick it out with NPCs, some camping recalling and buy agents eventually gets me what I need.
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Re: Terrible server for new players

Post by Downs »

I would be less suspicious if this wasn't his first form post or the account was made earlier than today. And there are a ton of new account with this same complaint.I don't see any accountt hat has introduced himself to the shard, maybe ask questions, then run into this and post.

I get that it bothers some people, but it is too much of a coincidence that this many 1 post accounts have made threads about this
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Re: Terrible server for new players

Post by Mr.CandyMan »

I agree with you, Downs, on how this looks suspicious, but I have the same problem, I just don't post about it.

Also back to the OP, why the heck would you title this post "Worst shard for new players" or something like that? This is going to scare alot of ppl. Why couldn't you have titled this "A big problem for new players," or "Please cut this crap out." This issue isn't that big of a deal... multiple people have given you very simple solutions.

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Re: Terrible server for new players

Post by inego »

Our current reg prices are at 3.5/4.5
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