Trophy/Silver Trade in Upgrades

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Trophy/Silver Trade in Upgrades

Post by HardCore »

It appears that the trophy/silver trade in system ITEMS might need to be updated per the 2013 current economy. I'm not suggesting that we add/remove any types of rewards, just that we change the value of the silver it costs to purchase them. Looking at current silver prices (anywhere from 12k to 18k per piece) compared to the value of the items you could redeem with it, it seems a bit off.

Take the 100 silver beard growth/sculpting cream and name change deeds. Even having silver worth 10k per makes these items go for 1 million gold. Much different that what they really sell for. A black dye tub is another good example. With the same 10k per silver price, 4 million for the tub? Maybe I'm understanding it all wrong but we might be able to take a look at the current list and revise it to be more accurate, get some of the silver out of the economy, have reasonable chances to cash in on some items we might not normally be able to get, etc. etc. Just my thoughts...

I think this could be done as a community so not to burden staff. We could even nominate a "counsel" of players ex. Lightshade who are rare/item experts to take on the task.

Trophy/Silver Turn In System viewtopic.php?f=9&t=511

There are absolutely no refunds or later exchanges for items received through this system.

Trophy Values:
Not the value on the trophies. Those are the points you scored in the game.
2 Silver: All silver hues trophies are worth 2 silver.
2 Silver: Any regular CTF, Double Domination Trophy (Gold, Silver, Bronze, Copper)
4 Silver: CTF, Double Dom First place leader Bust trophy or regular Gold Tourney Trophy
10 Silver: Any special PvM event (town invasion etc.) or Non-(Gold,Silver,Bronze,Copper) Hued trophy
20 Silver: Any Valorite Hued Trophy

None of these items are Blessed
Trophies can be exchanged for Silver via the Tournament Master, in Bucs Den, at the Bath House, in Jhelom in the small building near the inn, or in the Tournament Area. Silver is not blessed either and is relatively light, so be wary of thieves.

Contact a staff member via page or IRC to redeem your Silver for a reward.

20 Silver Rewards:
Hue your favorite gold event trophy to any standard ore color but Valorite

50 Silver Rewards:
Level one rare from list
Hue any trophy to Valorite

60 Silver Rewards:
Single Use Special or Furniture Dye Tub

100 Silver Rewards:
Fireworks Wand
Hair Restyle Coupon
Beard Growth & Sculpting Cream
Fletcher's Tools
Tinkers Toolbox
Choice of one Ranger Armor piece
Small House plant
Name Change Deed
Level 2 rare

150 Silver Rewards:
Potted Tree
Your choice of one Daemon Bone armor piece
Level 3 Rare

200 Silver Rewards:
Brown Bear Rug
Special Hair Dye
Special Beard Dye
Regular Mini-Monster Statuette's (makes sounds)
Singing Crystal Ball
Your choice of one Phoenix Armor piece
20 Charge Special Dye Tub

400 Silver Rewards:
True Black Sandals (or any other special dye tub color)
Hued Tribal/Orc/Animal Mask (Special Tub hues only)
Hearth of Home Fire Deed
Full (or partially full) Bookcase
Black Hued Dye Tub (unlimited, re-dye-able)
10 Charge Furniture Dye Tub
Rare Monster Statuettes (Slime, Giant Spider, Dolphin, Sea Serp, Teratheans, Ostards, Cyclops, Titan, Pack horse/llama)

500 Silver Rewards:
Ore colored, or "1109" Sandals or Mask
Rarer Monster Statuettes (Water Ele, Walrus, Humans, Frost Troll, Poison elemental)

1000 Silver Rewards:
Unique Rare
Choices will be presented to those who qualify)
These are only decorative items, the unique items can never be equipable (worn)
Unique items cannot be items that effect game-play

Here are the rares, more may be added. The categories may not a indicator of the rarity of these items. Most (but not all) of these items are obtainable in game. Please do not ask if, where or how often they may be found.

Level 1 Rares:
Bloody Bandage
Bottles of Liquor
Bottles of Wine
Ceramic Mug
Checkers (Red or Black)
Chessmen (White or Black)
Coconuts Split
Dried Herbs/Flowers
Jugs of Cider
pile of shafts
Roll of Wire
Rusty Iron Key
Tall Candle

Level 2 Rares:
Bowl of Soup/Stew
Broken Chair
Bucket (container)
Bucket of Water
Candelabra Stand
Colored Glass Bottle
Dirty Fry-pan
Dirty Small Round Pot
Empty Pewter Mug
Empty Jar
Empty Vials
Fruit Basket
Full Jars
Full Vials
Horse Dung
Pile of Arrows
Playing Cards
Skull Mug

Level 3 Rares:
Tarot Cards
Bone Container
Blood Tiles
Pot of wax (large)
Skull Candle
Sandstone Table Piece
Sheet Music
Bloody Water
Wig Stand
The Core [PEE]:
<Vega-> I'm about to go to the gym but that is worth missing a couple reps for

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