Nomel's application

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Joined: Thu Mar 13, 2008 1:21 pm

Nomel's application

Post by Nomel »

Character Name: (Nomel)

Type of Character: (Warrior/Paladin)

Skills: (Swords, Tactics, Parry, Healing, Magery, Resist, Anatomy, highest skill 70...right now)

RolePlay Experience?: (no)

PvP Experience?: (Some)

Are you a NEW to UO player?: (Played several years ago for a short while)

Do you have a sponser? If so, who?: (I have spoked to Dupre )

Race of Character: (human)

Character Background: (male, 6'2, 20 yrs old. As an infant I was dropped on the doorstep of a guard outpost near Yew. The guards raised me and trained me in the way of the blade. All I know of my mother is that she was a mage. I seemed to have inherited some skill in magery. I know nothing of my father. I do not look for trouble with anyone, but I will do whatever it takes to survive. )

How did you hear of the THG?: (White Mantle helped me get started and told me of the guild)

WHY do you wish to join the THG?: (Seeking fellow adventurers to enter the darkest of dungeons with, and training partners.)

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