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Hello UOSA New player ish

Posted: Mon Jan 21, 2013 7:48 pm
by daaboo
Hello, im Griswald. About a year ago i joined the Shard for a few weeks under the alis of Griswald,Spitfire and Lynk.
However RL rapidly draged me way. So now i return. I dont rember my User details so i have happly started again in making my 3 avatars.

I wasnt here long enouth to make any friends the first time around, i did join 2 guilds, AV and mob i belive, and im sorry i didnt let anyone know about my departure, it was rather sudden. As anew player i have noting to offer guilds my first order of buissness is real estate... or is that virtual estate?

I am an honorable trader With Griswald, Bounty Hunter with Lynk and Main with Spitfire.

Happly tending shop, for all armours and weapons. Griswald the Diablo Smith inspired character, Smokes Elven herb all day bashing metal and sewing Leather's.

Lynk will problery spend most of his time face down or in a death robe, Hunting the them seeking to clime the bounty board.

Spitfire is a lonly soul exploring and adventuring over all of britania, wence long ago pvp was all he new. longing does his soul to explor all he once dismissed in his blood lust of youth.

I look forward to meeting many friends and hopfuly some rivals :p, Im currently Digging and chopping for starter cash in Minoc and Skara, so look me up if you want boards and ingots :)

Re: Hello UOSA New player ish

Posted: Tue Jan 22, 2013 10:13 pm
by Joad
I remember a Griswald from Atlantic in the early days. He was in with the Kinights of Sosaria. Would you be the same Griswald?

Re: Hello UOSA New player ish

Posted: Wed Jan 23, 2013 11:26 am
by daaboo
Joad wrote:I remember a Griswald from Atlantic in the early days. He was in with the Kinights of Sosaria. Would you be the same Griswald?
No that was'nt me, I started on atlantic pre t2a but then moved to europa when it opened, played untill AoS when i left for Starwars Galaxies.