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Village of Paws - an eventful night

Posted: Sun Jan 06, 2013 2:48 pm
by Jupiter
Oh my! Entire droves of travelers passed through Paws last night. So much so that I couldn't possibly recount every conversion that was had. And frankly you just had to be there to see it! therefore I invite all who were present to submit a screenie and a caption as a reply to this post with your point of view! Once I return to the Mage tower where I have access to my visually recorded memories I shall share all that I can.

(oh and I should probably add a warning; I am not responsible for any pictures that might show up.)

Re: Village of Paws - an eventful night

Posted: Sun Jan 06, 2013 5:29 pm
by VoP Denizen
Nicu the Gyspy, bade me write a few notes about his adventure.

Although the good hearted Nicu knows many large words... he is utterly inept at actually writing them.

Here we see Nicu ending an exciting game of "Gyspy Tag!(R)" wherein a gypsy tags a Balron (dead or alive) and lives to tell the tale! Yes, we know this isn't the most 'compelling' picture of evidence, but if you know where this room is, then you know there are very few ways to access it! Well done Nicu!
Nicu the Gypsy_1-5_20.42.jpg
Nicu the Gypsy_1-5_20.42.jpg (57.54 KiB) Viewed 1420 times
After his exciting game, Nicu returned to the village to watch a somewhat consensual brawl. ... wait what was that word Nicu? "mandular"? my good man, you are learning some big words there! Keep it up!
Nicu the Gypsy_1-5_19.29.jpg

Next, Being busy as he is keeping the roads to Paws clear, Haggard wished that I also share a few of his moments.

Here we see that Haggard finally learns where gold can be found in this land! Seriously.. Haggard, didn't you read the forums first?
King Haggard_1-5_01.36.jpg
King Haggard_1-5_01.36.jpg (64.61 KiB) Viewed 1420 times

An important thing to remember about Paws is that at any given moment no less than 5 or 10 things may be going on. It is folly to try and play part to each and every conversation, but we will attempt to do so here. In this shot you will see Gorn, the dread pirate seeking good drink and the company of women. Also, a man named Crafter... who is this man?! nobody knows who Crafter is, all that is known is his dedication to becoming the best archer in all the land. and finally, (please don't tell Blaine I posted this) but you might notice off to the side, the master Gypsy being bested by two girls.
King Haggard_1-5_21.56.jpg
King Haggard_1-5_21.56.jpg (108.51 KiB) Viewed 1420 times