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Monsters Swarming Houses

Posted: Fri Nov 30, 2012 4:51 pm
by Zordak
Monsters should not crowd around your house, trying to attack you while you are in it. This is completely inaccurate and has really gotten on my nerves over time. In the real game, monsters could not see and attack you when you were inside your house.

To the best of my knowledge, I originally played from shortly before T2A was launched, to shortly after Trammel was unleashed.

I don't exactly have any proof of my claim. But it seems like someone with access to the modern game could easily log on, to verify that what I am saying is true.

Re: Monsters Swarming Houses

Posted: Fri Nov 30, 2012 6:31 pm
by Elph
If era accurate this would be an awesome change.

Re: Monsters Swarming Houses

Posted: Fri Nov 30, 2012 7:16 pm
by Apocalypse
Hard to say if this is really true. I certainly don't recall monsters being gathered around players houses in era, but we also didn't have razor in era and people spending hours per day macroing skills in their houses as far as I can remember, so maybe that could be why I don't remember seeing it. Although I can't seem to remember ever being annoyed when leaving my house because of monsters hanging out on my doorstep trying to attack me. This could use some looking into.

Re: Monsters Swarming Houses

Posted: Fri Nov 30, 2012 7:18 pm
by Roser
Research the in depth discussions that have already been had on this topic.

Re: Monsters Swarming Houses

Posted: Fri Nov 30, 2012 11:29 pm
by Light Shade
I share your frustration with this.

I used to "plan" our attack point in certain dungeons just around the corners of spawns, so I know in certain cases they did not actually acquire you through walls. Alas, they've found some code on the Demo and some pictures and posts that seem to indicate otherwise.

Unfortunately, we can't actually go back and check on all of it. We can look at Demo code and assume its the same and that it wasn't modified for the standalone nature of the Demo disk (best best). We can go off of old posts and message boards, but there's really not a whole lot else that we can do.

Personally, I think there is a LOT more going on with the LoS in general, let alone monsters. Certain walls and floors were flagged differently than others.

Just like the targeting of players in houses with Area Effect spells like Meteor Swarm is dependent on the types of floors/walls, it is ALSO dependent on your z-axis elevation. Monster targeting was similar and can be seen in several instances.

AKA, you can "see" anyone in any house in order to target them as long as the z-axis is correct. Some of the floor tiles are flagged differently and are more forgiving of targeting.

For myself, I remember the monsters never actually following you until they initially "saw" you. There were many ways for a monster to "see" you, even through some walls, but they did not "see" you like this in all instances. The way this server handles all walls/floor tiles is inaccurate, but the best they've been able to recreate. Without proof contradicting the information they have already found on this is all completely irrelevant, though.

Re: Monsters Swarming Houses

Posted: Sun Dec 02, 2012 1:29 am
by Zordak
Why can't someone who has an account on the real game just log on and see whether the monsters attack them. They won't. Then we can sift through the patch notes and see whether this was ever changed. It wasn't. Whala, proof.

Re: Monsters Swarming Houses

Posted: Sun Dec 02, 2012 2:02 am
by MatronDeWinter
Monsters used to "not swarm your house" on UOSA, and they also did not use the new-uo AI. So it was quasi-T2A-AI + no magical x-ray vision. However, some evidence was found that indicated that during T2A, monsters had magical x-ray vision, and so, monster-swarming was added.

I am quite sure that there is proper documentation in the patch notes for this patch, but I don't really care one way or the other enough to look it up.

Re: Monsters Swarming Houses

Posted: Sun Dec 02, 2012 3:10 am
by Zordak
I have tried looking at all the past threads regarding this issue. Am I to understand that we intentionally enacted this bug based on a single picture? ... AP0196.jpg

How do we know that this man didn't just attack all the monsters first, and then run inside his house? And for that matter, how do we even know that this picture is from our era?

Re: Monsters Swarming Houses

Posted: Sun Dec 02, 2012 1:46 pm
by Elph
Zordak wrote:I have tried looking at all the past threads regarding this issue. Am I to understand that we intentionally enacted this bug based on a single picture? ... AP0196.jpg

How do we know that this man didn't just attack all the monsters first, and then run inside his house? And for that matter, how do we even know that this picture is from our era?
That picture has far more trolls and ettins than would be at any place in the game usually.

Re: Monsters Swarming Houses

Posted: Sun Dec 02, 2012 2:13 pm
by Arsen
we had never monster swarms at our house when me and my bro played on drachenfels and euro

Re: Monsters Swarming Houses

Posted: Mon Dec 03, 2012 3:47 am
by EVeee
You're right, this never happened in era. And it is extremely annoying, not to mention an illogical feature. But if staff thinks they've found some proof that it was this way, everyone's memory of the situation is worthless. I always figured that the staff here actually played during T2A, therefore the fascination with it, and therefore they would remember obvious things like this themselves. But somehow at least part of that isn't the case.

Nevermind the monsters swarming around your house... try descending into Terathan Keep from the tower stair passage. In 1999 it was a very easy way to get in. Here it's foolish, if not impossible. Every Terathan on the screen instantly targets you through every wall and and makes the ground level a hissing impassable wall of death.

Re: Monsters Swarming Houses

Posted: Mon Dec 03, 2012 10:02 am
by Arsen
kaivan please look into this again. this could fix so many problems (maybe even the los exploit)

Re: Monsters Swarming Houses

Posted: Mon Dec 03, 2012 11:46 am
by Kaivan
I can assure you that if this gets changed (I'll have to look into what information is available), this won't have any effect on the LoS code.

Re: Monsters Swarming Houses

Posted: Mon Dec 03, 2012 11:53 am
by Loathed
yay for not having ass ton of mobs all around my crib, but i thought this was always the case- my memory tells me that Balarons in Hythloth use to always run at the wall when i was on th eother side, even b4 they got LOS of me. So- I think it's currently correct as is. Or maybe it was for "SUPER BEASTS" only? i.e- Ancient Wyrm, Balaron, kraken...

Re: Monsters Swarming Houses

Posted: Mon Dec 03, 2012 3:38 pm
by Light Shade
Loathed wrote:yay for not having ass ton of mobs all around my crib, but i thought this was always the case- my memory tells me that Balarons in Hythloth use to always run at the wall when i was on th eother side, even b4 they got LOS of me. So- I think it's currently correct as is. Or maybe it was for "SUPER BEASTS" only? i.e- Ancient Wyrm, Balaron, kraken...
Its possible that had to do with the Z-Axis variations in that area. The "wall" is higher than the ground that you stand on there. It might be possible for monsters to "see" under the walls...?