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Justice Island Rune Library

Posted: Thu Nov 22, 2012 8:30 am
by RoadKill
I've been a bit MIA over the last few months more than usual (which says a lot for me :P) and have considered selling my rune library, complete with all of the runebooks (just not the loot in the back East room)

Over the years I've been offered between 5 and 20 million for this property. I'm not saying that's what it's going for now, just giving a little history of buyer's interest. I also make no guarantees that I will be selling this on a public auction as I know a few people over the years have expressed interest in the actual house and retaining it as a public rune library.

Some fun facts:
- The house has a grandfathered secure bag on the steps, 3 secures, and 150 lock downs.
- I placed this house sometime in March 2008 if I remember correctly.
- I was the first player here to sail and properly "document" (mark) the entire shard. Most of the runes in the books date back to 2008.. practically antiques in terms of UO history :P
- This island was about 45 minutes away from being 100% barricaded off before one player managed to get on the island and mark a rune before my boat barrier was finished.
- This house is the 2nd or 3rd oldest house on the shard last I checked, and has never been transferred since it's original placement.
- The house currently has over 250,000 visits to it.


Re: Justice Island Rune Library

Posted: Thu Nov 22, 2012 8:35 am
by Samorite
Epic Spot!!!

Must stay as a Rune Library

Wish I had the gold.........

Re: Justice Island Rune Library

Posted: Thu Nov 22, 2012 3:59 pm
by Loathed
Not offering this but saying price check wise- I'd say honestly i don't see it selling for less than 15mil. it's honestly pricesless in the history of uosa and a great spot to boot too :)

Re: Justice Island Rune Library

Posted: Mon Dec 10, 2012 4:25 pm
by Hoots
Smelt it!.... errrrr Deed it!

Logically its ~148k + ~150K worth of runebooks + unknown amount of premium spot location.

While the rundown you provide is nice and interesting historically, i would have a hard time thinking this premium local is worth more than a yew bank/gate spot, ocollo bank spot, the entire wrong entrance area, certain north minoc or t2a spots.

The only way for you to keep it as valuable as your description is to simply keep it as is and not sell it IMHO.

The value is more about the history you put into it more than it is about the secluded local (again, IMHO).

Best of luck in what ever you decide!