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Heya! New T-Hunter here!

Posted: Wed Sep 12, 2012 2:23 pm
by Chulainn
Hey Everyone!

New player here. Not new to UO, just this shard, I started with LBR on Catskills. I was lucky enough to be a part of the Shadowclan Orcs, the Undead and the Yew Milita (until they merged with The Byzantine Empire).

I stopped playing once WoW was released, and by that time I had moved to Lake Austin. I had a treasure hunter in the THB, and was actually named the THB Guild Master on that shard after the previous had stopped playing.

I was thinking of making a Treasure Hunter here, but admittedly I'm a little rusty. I was thinking of the following:

Peace or Provo

My typical strat was to keep the creatures peaced while I let my energy vortexes do their thing. Though, I could drop eval, and have both peace and provo. Any thoughts?

In THB we had the luxury of a rune library, and lockpicking boxes to level everything up - Has anyone here set up something similar? I've no issues making my own boxes and such, but as a complete new character here, it's just more time/cost efficient if someone has something like that available.

All in all, I'm pretty excited about getting this character started and looking forward to probably getting slaughtered by the reds on my first few t-hunts!

Re: Heya! New T-Hunter here!

Posted: Thu Sep 13, 2012 6:25 pm
by Cousteau Calypso
Hey there. I am a treasure hunter bard/mage. Your template looks pretty good. My skills are as follows but not maxxed:


I've been thinking about dropping Peacemaking for Evaluating Intelligence or maybe some Resist. Truth is, I rarely use Peacemaking unless I'm just farming and trying to grab some loot real fast while being attacked by a mob. And Eval or Resist would help when farming magic using spawn, casting your own spells, or being attacked by reds (which happens quite often while farming here).

Also, I have yet to be attacked by anyone while I was on a treasure hunt. The reds here usually rush in on someone farming a hot spot. They aren't really roaming the wilderness all over the place or anything. Its pretty safe to venture out of town as a newb. But they are out there so dont get too complacent. Good hunting.

Re: Heya! New T-Hunter here!

Posted: Wed Oct 03, 2012 1:35 pm
by azheman
Good build, go with Provo and Eval.

Re: Heya! New T-Hunter here!

Posted: Wed Oct 03, 2012 5:29 pm
by HitStick
Welcome to the shard. I have a couple smalls im not using at the time and i have a set of boxes n some lockpicks you can use. I will be on later tonight about 8:30-9 MST. Hit me up and i will friend you to the small and set you up with what you need to macro a useable char.

Re: Heya! New T-Hunter here!

Posted: Wed Oct 03, 2012 5:52 pm
by Pirul

There's a couple of tricks for t-hunters in this thread: viewtopic.php?f=9&t=39689

Also, be sure to check out NEW guild

Re: Heya! New T-Hunter here!

Posted: Fri Oct 12, 2012 8:46 am
by Hoots
Chulainn wrote:Hey Everyone!

Peace or Provo
Just my opinion, but if you plan to solo chests. I would drop EI for hiding. Most lvl 3/4/5 chests are all about provo and not how much damage you can cast. You could use inviso items but they sell for a nice price per charge... Its a waste to use them instead of hiding IMHO.

Regardless, eventually a active t-hunter will be a Glorious Lord with millions in the bank... (regardless of build). I just think hiding makes it a lot easier.

Ohh... and without doubt go provo. I think peace-make is basically useless bc of skill delays. (again, IMHO)

Good luck! Have fun! and Welcome!