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Raising stats from using skills

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2012 7:28 am
by Mikel123
Caswallon has a post about gaining stats from using skills, and how Spirit Speak doesn't raise Intelligence:

This is based on the following table: ... skills.htm

Which is based on the output of a server-side file: ... output.txt

However, we all remember gaining INT from Spirit Speak.

It seems the reason we don't here is because Spirit Speak doesn't use INT to help modify your real (adjusted) skill. But, that would mean that there is no purpose to the "Intelligence 100" in the text file linked above.

My own hypothesis is that stat gain is based on the portion of the skill that is attributed to each stat, regardless of what portion of your real (adjusted) skill it modifies. This would also confirm the following note about starred skills like Spirit Speak on Caswallon's link:
* These Abilities are not influenced by Attributes; they are entirely Skill-based. However, they do provide benefits to associated Attributes through repeated use. See below for the exact Skill to Attribute ratios.

Re: Raising stats from using skills

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2012 10:52 am
by Faust
Batlin has decompiled the exact skill/stat gain system.

The code is just a matter of work and time for it to be implemented on the server.