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Orcish extortion

Posted: Tue Aug 14, 2012 5:59 am
by Zyler
Last eve, I ventured to Trinny Stone Vendors to check on my sales when out of the shadows appeared two grunting orcs demanding tribute. I slipped into the shadows but was soon revealed. To my surprise, one blockaded the door with magical spell. Given the generous loot I held, I ran up the stairs to escape the intruders. On the roof, I quickly recalled to safety in Trinsic where I deposited my treasures. Then it hit me... these orcs were in our tower, our domain... and I ran like a palmetto bug exsposed to light. How embarrassing! I returned to the tower but the orcs weren't to be found. Feeling a bit perturbed, I decided to search for them at thier domain, thier home. Nothing! Their visit was not a demand for tribute rather an attempted extortion.


Re: Orcish extortion

Posted: Tue Aug 14, 2012 7:14 am
by random guy
Konfuzed Ummie! Uzz wer gohin duur ta duur ta azk fer downayshuns tu feex da browken furt...*SNORTS*

Re: Orcish extortion

Posted: Tue Aug 14, 2012 10:38 am
by Vishakt
hohoho... deese Dunjun Krawlurz ob Trynzic ben komun tu da dessurt agh fort laytlee tu clomp urkz. Trynzic humies wunt ta clomp urks? Uz mayk id eezy. Wen uu wayk ub en da moreneen uz wyll bee standun ober uu hedz.

Lock uu duurz peepul ob Trynsik. De urkz ar komeeng.

But seriously, we do need our fort fixed. Anybody know a good contractor?

Re: Orcish extortion

Posted: Tue Aug 14, 2012 1:12 pm
by the bazookas
The bazookas would be willing to donate 100k to help the Urks rebuild their fort and their society (considering their mission to clomp the humans is in line with ours).

Re: Orcish extortion

Posted: Tue Aug 14, 2012 2:20 pm
by random guy
the bazookas wrote:The bazookas would be willing to donate 100k to help the Urks rebuild their fort and their society (considering their mission to clomp the humans is in line with ours).
Bludchok Hai Beeg Fayn ob wut da masheenz am duin. NOOGGRAAHH MASHEENZ!!!

Re: Orcish extortion

Posted: Tue Aug 14, 2012 7:15 pm
by Zyler
My place of business should not be a place of ambush. There was no fort fixing requested rather a entrapment of tribute. I was perturbed given my patronage should not suffer such offenses.

And I am no Dungeon Crawler. I seek truth and understanding thus my visit to the remains of your great domain after the unexpected visit. Upset I was since the demand upon me may impact my sales and those who seek our offerings.

While I may have an assoicate that traverses the darkness, it is not my liking. I seek to gain shinees in order to explore and learn and assist those that are in need, including the rebuilding of your fort. In fact, I have collected many helms from the underground likely pilfered from your fallen fort... some are enchanted, perhaps from your ancestors. My offering to your clan is raw logs for your fort and a perview of the helms. I ask of you knowledge and truth.

Re: Orcish extortion

Posted: Tue Aug 14, 2012 9:25 pm
by Vishakt
Dat sownd gug.

Urkz nub wunt ta uze uu'r towur fer de ambush eedur. Urkz lyk gug humi vendur hutz, sumtimez ad leezt. Vish hab tu blah wiff Klerg'goth (Cheef) vut tink mebbe Urkz wyll tayk helmz agh wuud az tribuut agh nub clomp in dat tuwur ob uu'rz. Nub eggsturshun. Am trayd.

Re: Orcish extortion

Posted: Tue Aug 14, 2012 9:58 pm
by random guy
Ee Am Krothu, Klerggoth ob Da Miti Bludchok Hai en Ee Uhpruuv ob Diz Trybute.

Re: Orcish extortion

Posted: Wed Aug 15, 2012 6:29 am
by Zyler
Very good Klerggoth. I consider the helms rightfully your clan's and am honored to return them to you as tribute. I have horded them for many moons and never thought this day would come. The logs and planks are also a tribute to assist rebuilding the fort. In return, the tower and my customers are free from further tribute. Your clan is of course welcome to the tower for business with the vendors. Also, I wish to know more of the Urkz and will return all future helms I acquire to learn of your ways, customs, and rituals. Gug?

Re: Orcish extortion

Posted: Wed Aug 15, 2012 7:40 am
by random guy
Yub! Dat Gug.