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Fish Tanks

Posted: Sun Aug 05, 2012 6:08 am
by Samorite
Anyone got any tips/guide on building one ?

Seen some really good ones, I have had a go and failed


Re: Fish Tanks

Posted: Sun Aug 05, 2012 7:14 am
by TheManWithNoName
a drop macro is very useful! i stack up the main tank first, then raise the SE diagonal tiles "into" the tank. depending on the tank height, i usually raise a couple layers of sand colored cloth into the tank as well, for a 3d effect. whether you do the sand colored cloth or not, it's just a matter of stacking stuff at the right height in order raise things "into" the tank. i also find simple items like dyed cotton, dyed wool, onions, nightshade, etc can add some "plant/coral" effect to the tank, as well as alternating the type of fish you use in order to keep things interesting. the part i feel a lot of people have trouble with is dying the water background the right colors. you really need to spend the extra time dying the individual cloth layers one shade lighter/darker then the others around it to give the water a nice blended coloring effect. i've seen far too many tanks where people only dye a stack of 20+ cloth three different colors, making the water look to fake and blocky imo.