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Rules on House Placement

Posted: Sat Jul 21, 2012 9:20 pm
by EVeee
I can't figure out any rhyme or reason to house placement here. I've seen some houses on uneven terrain or with grass and other objects coming up through the floor - and open flat areas outside of town with nothing but dot-sized yellow flowers where it says no house can be placed. There are some houses inside guard zone. There are houses practically butted right up to one another even though I've read that you have to have five tiles clear in every direction. I'm walking around failing to put houses where it looks like they can go while other people have successfully placed them in spots I wouldn't even have tried to put one, so I'm wondering if there's a hard set of current rules or maybe a comprehensive guide to this that could save me time and wasted effort.

Re: Rules on House Placement

Posted: Sat Jul 21, 2012 9:37 pm
by Hicha
Every time I see you post, I see your join date and think you are an old vet, but then you consistently ask the most basic and generic questions which have either already been asked in the forums, or can be found on the wiki.

Seriously, try to search a bit before you post.

Re: Rules on House Placement

Posted: Sat Jul 21, 2012 10:29 pm
by EVeee
I read that wiki, Hicha. There are houses placed which defy the rules on the wiki. That's why I said "...I'm wondering if there's a hard set of current rules...", because I assumed the wiki is out of date. It also never addressed some points like placing inside guard zone.

I won't counterattack and mock you for being basically wrong - just in the future either help without an attempted lecture or pass my questions by, please.

Re: Rules on House Placement

Posted: Sun Jul 22, 2012 12:23 am
by Hicha
Where exactly is this house within a guard zone you speak of? Only thing that comes close to mind is the house inside Wind, but that house isn't in a guard zone.

The wiki is pretty clear on house placement rules: five tiles north and south of the house (steps count as part of the foundation now) and one tile to the east and west. Ground must be flat,only a few floral/bushes prevent placement. Cannot be in guard zone or other area labeled as off-limits. If you see houses which "break" this rule, chances are they were placed before the rules changed and were grandfathered.

Last changes made to housing was in February, literally third link when using the forum search function for "placement."
