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Another foolish errand

Posted: Tue Jul 10, 2012 1:34 am
by Jupiter
After clearing out the mongbat infestation, the Mage Tower was looking in pretty good condition, “Almost like new,” he thought to himself. He was about to leave for his nightly stroll, when he heard an ominous bell tolling. One he had not heard in some time - the alarm of Skara Brae. He had not heard that bell, nor did he think he ever would hear it again, after their home-grown militia, the Terror Guard, had self proclaimed themselves dukes and lords over the land. He headed upstairs to the communication pedestal to answer the call.

Looking through the crystal, he saw the vague silhouette of the mayor - the tower clearly was not yet at full capacity.

“Jupiter?, Fair Jupiter is that you?” the voice came through clear enough.

“Aye, what news have you? It must be urgent for you to use a line that has been silent for so long.”

“Yes, yes.. um well, you see we have an matter of utmost import. You see, well.. a local merchant of our fair town has been.. I hope you can keep this confidential,” the may paused a moment “He’s dead Jupiter.”

“Is that all? How many precious gems of the good towns’ people have you used merely to report a petty crime?” Jupiter chided “and what of your renowned Terror Guard? Why not have them look into the matter?”

“Well, yes, um.. I considered that, but they seem abhor such matters. If it doesn’t involve, well, if it doesn't involve bashing of skulls, they just don’t care to assist us anymore. But it is important!” the mayor sounded most distraught “and I can’t have Lord British privy to such matters lest he send in his boorish Police Department for investigation. Their methods are most unpleasant to the locals. Oh please say you’ll help!”

“Aye, that I will good mayor, but only upon a promise that you will repay each gem you’ve wasted here to the good people of your town ten fold,” Jupiter clearly stated his terms “and let me choose whatever party I will to aid me in this quest.”

“Oh yes, please just hurry!”

Without the full power, the transports of the tower would not get him all the way to Skara. At best he could reach a local library, by which he could use the less efficient means of recalling to the town.
As soon as he arrived, the mayor presented him with the wealthy man’s journal. Although a bit vexed at first by such a trivial task, he was glad he had acquiesced to the mayor’s plea; for another fool had tried to seek treasure and fortune within the Hedge Maze. The mayor explained that a drifter who had recently gained employment from the wealthy man decided he wanted the treasure for himself and bludgeoned the wealthy man and had taken off to the Hedge Maze.

Jupiter sent word to Rick Astel and his mixed band of warriors and bid him meet at the Tower of Mobolin near Skara Brae. If their quest was to have any measure of success, it would have to start here.

Using Mobolin’s mysterious reflection pond, Jupiter was quickly able to ascertain the whereabouts of the drifter. They clearly saw his trail through the Hedge Maze and found he was already deep within the bowels of Hythloth seeking the wealthy man’s treasure.
With their course laid out, the band led by Rick Astel and Lesclaypool, quickly breached the dungeon’s inner halls. Having borne unmentionable suffering at the hands of Daemons, the drifter quickly flung himself upon the bands’ blades, preferring death over a lifetime of harrowing memories of his short time in the dungeons.



Re: Another foolish errand

Posted: Tue Jul 10, 2012 3:35 am
by Blaise
Aye, fools we were but what madness is it when such friendship afield can be found? Coming to seek the aide of Adventure Time, the stars must have been aligned in such a way as to bestow a great blessing on this endeavor. As it turns out, this blessing came in the form of nigh on a baker's dozen brave souls, several of which still just adepts in their crafts, others, grand masters in many.

Hearing this tale of woe and murder and other acts of ill repute, we felt this must be done and quite frankly, there was potential for treasure!

Packing my collection of bells and my tambourine, I traveled far and wide with this party of heroes and heroines. Many dangers and near-death experiences were had, and yet, none fell. I knew going into this I could trust these people with my life. Seeing it in action, working with Jupiter to solve this dilemma, whilst braving the depths of dungeons clustered with daemons and other fell beasts, my heart was overwhelmed with the richness that comes from no treasure chest.
Alas, not always a sap, there was the matter of the map. As the party surged on, more like a throng, we found our treasure before too long. Guarded by yet more fiendish foes, the fight again forgets us our woes. A force so strong as we stand together, no wave of enemies we cannot weather. Hugs and handshakes and head shakes and more. We laughed and danced and sang an encore. Blood was shed by many and mingled with sweat, washed away with smiles and no regret.

-Rick Astley

Friggen awesome, many thanks to Jupiter, you really weave a great one!

Re: Another foolish errand

Posted: Thu Nov 08, 2012 2:58 am
by queson
I am a rather odd spambot.

Re: Another foolish errand

Posted: Thu Nov 08, 2012 2:28 pm
by VoP Denizen
What an odd and out of context post...

Re: Another foolish errand

Posted: Fri Nov 09, 2012 1:27 am
by Blaine the Gypsy
I smell spam bot