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Awoken with surprise in the desert

Posted: Thu Jul 05, 2012 2:36 pm
by Zyler
After my first encounter with the Iduali…
I sought the counsel of Lord British concerning them but as with the Topiary Terror, my query was ignored. I’m beginning to think that I’m not well thought of by our ruler.


I decided to do some research in the royal library and found an account of Sir Arthur Dupre’s encounter with the Iduali. Their language is ”broken English and part old sosarion”.

During my mottled interaction with a warrior, I recognized a hint of Orcish however ascertained the dialect and structure was much more complex. I am led to believe that Orcish is a rudimentary language of both.

Perhaps the Orcs were once enslaved by the Iduali and later… an uprising drove the Iduali out of the desert lands. An unproven conjecture mind you.

Sir Arthur Dupre’s full account can be found here: viewtopic.php?f=21&t=39756


Also while in the library, I found notes on Jupiter’s encounters with the Iduali. His research didn’t convey much more knowledge other than that they are warriors of repute. However, I did recognize a sketch of the warrior I made contact with days ago was named Lug.

After learning more of this lot, I returned to the dessert in search of the Iduali and make contact once again. I went to the cave to only find the foot soldiers defending the blood stained ankhs within.


I then made my way to their outpost however could not find any of the Iduali leaders. I wandered to and fro with no avail therefore decided to find some shade and rest. I hid in a tower’s shadows from the beating sun and fell into deep meditation. I awoke to find myself nearly drained of blood and promptly fell dead. There in death, I watched my body desecrated by the one known as Sta’ker. I recognized him from the a sketch of Jupiter’s encounter. For a moment, I was hazily puzzled why a great warrior would kill one that obviously already unconscious but then I recalled Sir Arthur Dupre’s account... they are collecting heads believing this will return them to prominence.


Their onslaught will only bring war to them.

I returned to the Shrine of Compassion to find life and as I healed, a party of notable warriors and wizards came forth though a magical gate. A war party!

I knew they were there to confront the Iduali and drive them from the lands. This will only breed more conflict, not understanding and peace. The Iduali are great warriors but could be a valuable ally of the kingdom.

Several days later, I learned that a duel occurred between the Iduali and the Mage Tower at the recently opened [Uhh] Arena. Given the inquisitiveness of the Mages, perhaps more was learned and maybe… they have knowledge of the Iduali book found by Azheman. There seems to be pieces of knowledge that must be brought together for a full understanding of the Iduali and how to broker not only a truce, but an alliance.

Any with knowledge of them, let us make acquaintance and share our knowing.

Re: Awoken with surprise in the desert

Posted: Thu Jul 05, 2012 8:53 pm
by Jupiter
You sir are a worthy adventurer. I hope to provide you with many more insights regarding the small gems of knowledge I have.

- Jupiter the Grey

Re: Awoken with surprise in the desert

Posted: Sat Jul 07, 2012 12:37 pm
by Zyler
Jupiter wrote:You sir are a worthy adventurer. I hope to provide you with many more insights regarding the small gems of knowledge I have.

- Jupiter the Grey
My thanks. Simlpy investigating occurrences of the realm. Perhaps we can meet for Duel of Daemons at the new arena and discuss our findings, theories, and what not.

Re: Awoken with surprise in the desert

Posted: Sat Jul 07, 2012 2:12 pm
by Boondock_Saint
Do those ostards deadly poison?

Re: Awoken with surprise in the desert

Posted: Mon Jul 09, 2012 4:52 am
by smart86