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As I ponder the events to come.........

Posted: Wed Jun 13, 2012 6:43 pm
by Charisma
Ahh.. the sweet smell of fresh ale fills my senses as i pour myself a mug of the sweet brew. I sit alone behind the bar of THE EAGLES NEST and await the soon to come travelers looking to quench their thirst and restore their vitality depleted from adventures of this day. As I finish cleaning dishes and restocking inventory preparing for the evenings activities i find myself planing for the grand day to come soon.
The taverns grand opening is coming together seamlessly when i realize that i will require the assistance of the community. Questions run through my thoughts : Who will provide the security? Who will i enlist to chronicle the days activities in picture and word? Will it be a night everyone will remember or an evening of few memories?
Just as these questions begin to consume my thoughts, in walk a weary, weather beaten traveler who rests his worn body on the stool directly across from my serving station. I pour this lost soul a glass of ale and serve up a plate of fresh baked gingerbread as i lend a kind ear. Within minutes i am entranced by the stories of my patrons travels throughout the land and find myself hanging on every word spoken from my new friends lips.
Several hours pass along with mug after mug of ale, when my new friend confides in me that his days of travel and adventure have come to pass, he seeks a less demanding road to set his path on. Out of my own curiosity I ask if he has anything in mind. In response i learn of his life as the son of a once well known blacksmith before he left this simple life to seek the adventures that fill a young mans mind.
It seems that fate has crossed our paths, as i am in need of a talented blacksmith to service the needs of the patrons who frequent the same tavern in which my friend has decided to walk into on this day.
After a last round of refreshments, I manage to secure the services of this Raggedyman and a new partnership is formed as my new friend departs seeking shelter from the night.
The walls creek through the silence of my little tavern and i find myself once again contemplating the days to come and who next will in enlist the services of to meet the needs of such a grand day...........

Re: As I ponder the events to come.........

Posted: Wed Jun 13, 2012 8:51 pm
by Jupiter
I was in Yew yester-morrow visiting a new lumberjack and his family. I took notice that all the town chatter was abuzz about some new fangled tavern. I thought to myself, I will seek this place out. Though I may not be able to attend the grand opening in person, should the proprieters of this fine establishment send a messenger with brief writ and a few mental images, I will surely take on the task of recording the events. Though some may tire of this old wizard's rantings, I care not! for my soul enjoys such things.
