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Newbies guild....[NEW] born!

Posted: Thu Jan 08, 2009 11:33 pm
by Kamora
Newbies Unite! Join [NEW] Next active recruitment this weekend: 1/24/09 through 1/26/09

A home for new members to play and train together.

--A good way to meet other players.
--hunting and training together.
--for the crafter: events and vendor house to sell your wares.
--for the new pvp'er: group battles for the newbie level.
--for the hunter: hunting together to maximize our efforts.

Membership to [NEW] is one month, after which time we may give you the option to play a more advanced role/title in the [NEW] guild. Such as: Guardians of [NEW], Shopkeeper of [NEW], Leaders of [NEW]...and more titles will be added. [NEW] guild house is located behind the Taylor Shop in Moonglow, just a hop over the fence, the home by the water.

Come grow with us and be a part of the future City of [NEW]!!
Next active recruitment this weekend: 1/24/09 through 1/26/09

Thanks to everyone for having such a fun place to play UO. This really is the "better" Ultima Online!
And special thanks to those stopping by and helping the [NEW] player:

letterrien (a ridable lama)- who donated the guild house and stone.

Hoots- donated decorations and add-ons.

Saliant- who offered his words of wisdom: "Recognize Idiotcy" lol :)

Kyrie- offered a place to put the guild stone in.

Chumbucket- has been leaving bags of goodies in the house, Donated a whole rune library, and donated a great mining house!

Lem, GM of the swarm [ARM]- is making a thiefs guild, and has offered [NEW] members immunity of their trade. So all thieves join [ARM] and work together! :)

Derrick & Staff!!!- Who is running the best Ultima Online game and best RPG game ever made!

And everyone else who has been stopping by with words of support, thanks! if i forgot to mention your name sorry, please let me know so i can add it :)

A second visit from the GODS!

[NEW] Guild is born 1/09/09 !!

Life is no easy for the newcomer. Alone in the world...easy prey for the men in no cloth, sneaking and snooping like hungry dogs!
But justice be served by the "Secret Police". Who swiftly gave Adler his reward. Thanks :)

A very good first Recruitment day for [NEW] !

What a surprize, and honor! Like a GOD from the heavens, he or she appeared right on top of our freshly sheared wool! And welcomed us into this world. (peanut was there too hiding in the corner).

Back to work newbies! Theres much more for us to do!

Re: Newbies guild....[NEW] born!

Posted: Fri Jan 09, 2009 1:42 am
by XaN
Is there going to be sub guilds like NEW2 or something? If you're going to be new, you might as well be new to it all. PvP is something everyone should know, and they should be aloud to learn at any time. I propose a second NEW guild be created as a friendly warring guild. No looting, no griefing... all your basic guidelines.

Re: Newbies guild....[NEW] born!

Posted: Fri Jan 09, 2009 3:44 am
by Kamora
XaN wrote:Is there going to be sub guilds like NEW2 or something? If you're going to be new, you might as well be new to it all. PvP is something everyone should know, and they should be aloud to learn at any time. I propose a second NEW guild be created as a friendly warring guild. No looting, no griefing... all your basic guidelines.

Yes, i'd love to have guild wars! It would be especially fun with new players :) And i agree it should be the no looting, no drobing, etc.. rules. And even mix some light RP into it to make it a guild war event, (a purpose for the war) which would also include [NEW] players who wish to RP.

Re: Newbies guild....[NEW] born!

Posted: Fri Jan 09, 2009 4:18 am
by XaN
Take ideas from everyone in the guild(s) and slowly but surely make your way through them all, be it pvp, pve or whatever.. it could be a treasure hunt, as long as it teaches while at the same time provides entertainment for those still needing it.

Re: Newbies guild....[NEW] born!

Posted: Fri Jan 09, 2009 4:26 am
by Deadiam
I think it would have to be a mix of both. Me personally do understand how the game concepts work I just forget the PvP mechanics. I played on other private shards but they we're not OSI style but "sphere PvP' like NOS and XUO. Personally the only mechanics I need to learn are PvP. Anything PvE and dungeon crawling and templates to build your character like can all be easily google'd and found here on the forums.

Re: Newbies guild....[NEW] born!

Posted: Fri Jan 09, 2009 10:47 am
by keuse
I would suggest placing a large house outside of east brit.
There is some room somewhere in the wilderness.

Re: Newbies guild....[NEW] born!

Posted: Fri Jan 09, 2009 12:52 pm
by Caps Lock
Awesome, I hope they get some vendors up soon - need a good shop somewhere on this shard. I'm fairly new but I've done alright getting on my own two feet for now (been hard) but I'll definitely be looking up on how this project is going. Good Luck.

Re: Newbies guild....[NEW] born!

Posted: Fri Jan 09, 2009 1:28 pm
by minijag
Great! I can't wait to join

Re: Newbies guild....[NEW] born!

Posted: Fri Jan 09, 2009 2:06 pm
by Hoots
I wil donate any house addons you need. I know your space is limited but just pm me what you need and ill craft it!

If you could place a large brick that would be ideal. I could also donate some gold (10-20k) towards that on top of the house add ons if you have some others interested.

Just gm me!


Re: Newbies guild....[NEW] born!

Posted: Fri Jan 09, 2009 6:36 pm
by Kamora
Thanks for all the support! And like the idea's i've been reading. There is a great and fun group of UO players here, even more than i anticipated!

And agree [NEW] players should experience all the play styles of UO: PVP, PVE, RP, Merchant, Crafter, etc. Especially since during the Second Age the new player had to combine play styles to work toward his goal. The new pvp'er could not just start out killing players, he had to combine play styles, hunting or selling fancy shirts! Just like the new hunter who has to learn to either fight back, avoid, or run very fast from the human monsters :) With that in mind those joining [NEW] should not expect everything to be handed them on a silver platter, but to join because they want to play and train in a group setting with other new players. Half the fun is getting there. (edit) But as soon as possible basic items such as tools, weapons, armour, can be provided.

Please everyone keep in mind the guilds goals are not going to happen overnight. Many details will have to be worked out along the way. Good things will happen along with the bad, because of the nature of the game, i can only hope we have fun with it!
But for a start, newbies who want to play and train together will have a place to meet :)

Re: Newbies guild....[NEW] born!

Posted: Sat Jan 10, 2009 3:18 pm
by Ash
What is the best way to contact you about joining the NEW guild?

Re: Newbies guild....[NEW] born!

Posted: Wed Jan 14, 2009 12:18 pm
by Kamora
Ash wrote:What is the best way to contact you about joining the NEW guild?
Visit us in game. The guild house is located behind the Moonglow Taylor shop, on the other side of the fence there.
There will be another active in game recruitment this coming friday, 1/16/09.

Links to [NEW] first week of recruitment: screen shots

Re: Newbies guild....[NEW] born!

Posted: Thu Jan 15, 2009 7:45 pm
by aXe
Quite frankly, i'm going to kill every single [NEW] I see. I got PvP and some [new] member attacks me during a 1v1 when i'm red, not like it matters he got dropped cause hes [new] but still. I'm red, and I showed up at brit gy. I seen him and hes blue and i seen the [new] tag so i was like ok I won't attack him. Then A ghostly corpse or whatever comes and we start fighting so the [new] guy thinks its his big chance probably has a boner irl from trying to gank me, it failed ofcourse because they both died.

Just teach your guildmates some manners, I was being a nice PK.

Re: Newbies guild....[NEW] born!

Posted: Thu Jan 15, 2009 8:13 pm
by Hemperor
aXe wrote:Quite frankly, i'm going to kill every single [NEW] I see. I got PvP and some [new] member attacks me during a 1v1 when i'm red, not like it matters he got dropped cause hes [new] but still. I'm red, and I showed up at brit gy. I seen him and hes blue and i seen the [new] tag so i was like ok I won't attack him. Then A ghostly corpse or whatever comes and we start fighting so the [new] guy thinks its his big chance probably has a boner irl from trying to gank me, it failed ofcourse because they both died.

Just teach your guildmates some manners, I was being a nice PK.
Why the hell are you red anyways...oh thats right, gy is your hotspot.

Are you new to UO? It's blue vs red, incase you missed the memo in 97

Re: Newbies guild....[NEW] born!

Posted: Thu Jan 15, 2009 9:40 pm
by alcon
Not often I agree with Hemp but yeah... You're mad because you were red at brit gy (a spot only a new player would farm) in a 1 on 1 and omg, a new blue attacked you... lol well good luck and keep droppin those [NEW] because they are the only ones you can drop