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Jupiter's Travels

Posted: Thu Jun 07, 2012 9:28 pm
by Jupiter
Jupiter was finishing a peaceful visit at the castle of Lord Brit. He had delivered a heartening report about the recent successes he has had discovering the plots of the rotting undead and rescuing a brave warrior Sturm.

The king called a brief recess to the proceedings before he could deliver his follow up report on the activities of the dread Pirates of Dark Water. Jupiter was quite pleased with the information he had been able to obtain during a very rare and dangerous inverview with a Kander; very few men received an invitation into the Pirate Lord's tower, and none, except Jupiter have ever been served milk by the Dread Pirate himself.
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But alas the full details of the report would have to wait. he stepped outside to tend to his valiant friend. Plucking an apple from the tree to feed to his horse, Jupiter suddenly felt a surreal presense overcome him. It was as though a being from a distant land took complete control of his movements. Suddenly he was overwhelmed with an insatiable lust for treasure and riches.
Not only were his movements still completely controlled by the powerful essence, but he could not hide even his most secret thoughts and secrets of knowledge. The intruder quickly scanned his memory banks and found the locations of secret treasures that Jupiter had buried long ago. Thus consumed he left the castle without any notice to the king.

Out in the wilds, the treasures were quickly unearthed. After the contents were thoroughly rummaged, all that remained were regeants, gold coins, and scrolls. The rest Jupiter threw haplessly to the ground for some common beggar to find.
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He awoke in the forests near Skara Brae. The thoughtless intruder had taken no care for his well-being whatsoever. Completely exausted, Jupiter traveled towards Skara Brae to seek shelter and recover this constitution. Upon reaching the city limits Jupiter was greated by Cullinarn Glorious Lord of The House of Oor'tael. Seeing that Jupiter was well traveled and not looking well at all, Cullinarn invited him to his tower to restore his vitality.

Upon the top of the Oor'tael tower, Jupiter learned Cullinarn had just returned from a dreadful encounter with an Ancient Wyrm. And what yet, he had recovered a scroll with the ancient text required to summon forth a Daemon! Jupiter explained that he had been experimenting for ages with summoning powerful creatures. Upon learning of Jupiter's enthusiasm for wizardly contests, Cullinarn ordered a battle of summons after the feast.
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Jupiter first called forth his loyal friend Vortex, the air elemental he had first bonded with as a young wizard. Vortex made quick work of Cullinarn's water elemental.
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As the water pooled at his feet, Cullinarn suddenly issued the command for a second round. This time, DAEMONS! Jupiter was shocked and a bit thrilled. They had only just discovered the daemon scrolls... who knew what the repurcussions would be. Regardless the risks, he knew that to offend his host would have worse consequences. Though Cullinarn claimed he had never before summoned a Daemon, the beast he summoned demolished Jupiter's feeble creation in nearly three swift strikes.

With the wizard contests over, Jupiter was fully invigorated. He baid his most gracious host a fare adieu and set off again for adventure...
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