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4-2-12patrol (Short Tale of a Thief Named Kerry)

Posted: Fri Apr 27, 2012 2:49 pm
by Border Patrol

On this day Turbo and I were keeping things some what civil at WBB. The various citizens were allowed to bank unmolested while they tended to their daily errands. That is until a thief name Kerry, who was most likely wearing a disguise kit, decided to be unruly and was acting rather confident holding his axe.

He started out with various insults directed and Turbo and I but then "Kerry" decided to steal from some innocent civilian. Turbo and I gave chase with Kerry assaulting us every now and then.

This thief named Kerry eventually made it towards the outskirts of the city. Instead of complying and not resisting arrest Kerry thought he would have better chances in the graveyard where murderers like to hang out. He soon found out that dealing with the BPD in the graveyard can be just as dangerous as inside the city limits.

After we dispatch this vile villian and confiscate his various stolen wares and weapons a crowd starts to gather around the body.
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One of the citizens asks me, "shouldn't you be eating doughnuts somewhere or something?" I tell the cocky lad that I prefer kolaches instead.

Turbo lets the ghost of the thief know that his magic weapon used to assault officers of the Law will be used as evidence against him. I make a statement about how I was wishing Customs Agent was on so we could impound the criminal's getaway steed.

As the crowd leaves the scene, Mr. Gold comes up and looks confused as to why the BPD is standing over a human corpse at the grave yard and not rezzing Kerry's ghost. Turbo informs Mr. Gold what had happened so he does not have to worry about what is going on.
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We make our way back to WBB to make our public announcements but it seems the town guards have things under control on this day.
We retire to our homes after a very slow day at the office scratching our heads as to why the thieves always try to make a break for the graveyard when being pursued.

That is the end of this short report and I will add that the next one is going to involve a famous yet little furry fiend.

Border Patrol out