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nuttshell of my uosa existance

Posted: Sat Apr 21, 2012 4:40 pm
by Loathed
I remember starting on the server. There weren't many of us at that time. In fact the few that were there are remembered by other names. Coffee was among the first tho he was Thantos I believe a dexer and wanted to learn pvp, ;p. The infamous, Demon Arkanis back when weapon timers were the way they are now on IPY2. Red another one of the first pk's. Wylan also known as TTstoner was this kiddo that picked up on this neat trick that the real "NaNwaNg" and I were doing with archer mages, sync shots- we showed it to Derrick and Nevermore, Derrick allowed us to do him and we one shot'd him. Was good times. I owned the first tower at chaos shrine. I was among the first to test out all the deathmatch and ctf events along with the first ever trophy event, I winning second and Demon first. Archer mages were dynamite back in the day with the instant shot lol.
Alot has changed since then, no more chain reaction explosion pots- those were awesome. No 1 second delay timer back then on every action. I remember TW starting up even. +-, and various other guilds. I had the extreme pleasure of fighting with and alongside of some of the best t2a pvpers I have ever met. To name a few. Mike, Marm, Chad, Don, malice's friend.... lol, that's only to name a few. I miss drizz and his friend they were tight also. I like to think of myself as a noob at heart and enjoy long walks on 2 dimensional planes from time to time and usually that's when y'all see me.
I'm happy to see I invented wyrm bombs and turrets and it was a form of rage to ganks lol. That's what happens to you when you don't take crap and run with a guild that is inactive, haha! While lame and cheap it was still amusing and prolly just as lame if not lamer than the current pking forms haha! I hope everyone ejoys the read and plz feel free to bring up other things that ppl know I might of done I'm drunk and drawing a blan seems like there was much more. >_< oh oh - I was a large contribution to the decision on changing mini heal lol.

Re: nuttshell of my uosa existance

Posted: Mon Apr 30, 2012 10:36 pm
by Mirage
I had goodtimes with you when you were in my guild. Remember fighting you on ice island when you were still using adonis.

Re: nuttshell of my uosa existance

Posted: Wed May 02, 2012 5:39 pm
by Loathed
Yes those were great times, we had some epic battles against and alongside =)

Re: nuttshell of my uosa existance

Posted: Wed May 02, 2012 7:29 pm
by kevin-theidocghost
Epic battles brosif we must has MOAR

Re: nuttshell of my uosa existance

Posted: Fri May 04, 2012 12:29 am
by Loathed
my uosa career has yet to peak! Moar is inevitable!