How you made your millions

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How you made your millions

Post by a_llama »

So Im wondering how did all the millionairess out there make there money? Do most people get rich buying low selling high? PvM? Treasure maps or MIB? AFK reg buying or other AFK money making like rares? Are most people rich from past bugs and what not?

Is it still possible for a new player to make it to the ranks of the supper rich and be able to afford the nicer things in life or is it generally set that the supper rich are just making more money than I can ever make so Ill never catch up?

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Jill Stihl
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Re: How you made your millions

Post by Jill Stihl »

It was mostly fishing (MIBs) and sheep farming that made me a pixel multi-millionaire*.

There are of course faster routes to money, but they tend to involve risk of death or at least competition from other players :o

*Mostly now spent, but bought a keep and a few developed characters.

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Re: How you made your millions

Post by Wonko the Sane »

I found a sandstone table and sold it.

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Re: How you made your millions

Post by jekkis »

a_llama wrote:Is it still possible for a new player to make it to the ranks of the supper rich and be able to afford the nicer things in life or is it generally set that the supper rich are just making more money than I can ever make so Ill never catch up?
It will be very hard to work your way to get all that neon stuff and the more coveted rares, as even if you had enough gold, it doesn't mean a shit to the super rich and they are not willing to let go of their rares very often. However, there are still some very viable sources of income: I remember starting with a dexer and grinding out some money, while lumberjacking on another account. As soon as I had things set up the way I wanted, I started hunting for IDOC houses. I steered clear of most of the large houses as WL at that time dominated the business, but I ended up getting some pretty sweet stuff from the neglected small houses. After some three months of playing, I had a tower, some rares I liked very much like potted trees, large vases etc. - still nothing super rare, but a nice start. From those small houses I also managed to gather some 400+ silver.

After that I quit for a while and donated my stuff away and now that I've come back, I haven't touched a single IDOC. I found out there's quite a bit of more to UO as just pixels and currently I'm enjoying my vendor business very much: might not score as much on one go, but I find it very rewarding overall. I've managed to put myself in a position where I can exercise the old truth of money generating more money.

Some means of PvM yield very high amounts of gold. I don't know much about the PvP here but I'd imagine you might profit off it, too. I think in the end it all comes down to being good at what you do combined with a small measure of luck. Since luck is something you can't really work on, I'd focus on finding what's the most suitable area of business for you and getting as good in it as you possibly can.

To put it short: it's entirely possible to reach the ranks of the rich, while I think it's safe to say there are items that are out of reach. I wouldn't go on saying there's a method for fast forwarding the process, as each takes work. With some paths the rewards may come quicker, steadier or in a more fun manner, but they'll balance out in the end. Personally I've long ago stopped defining my goals based on what other people have done so I have no need to "catch up" anyone.

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Re: How you made your millions

Post by Pro »

Win tourneys/events sold silver.

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Re: How you made your millions

Post by Zeppelin »

I guessed Ivy's irl name correctly in IRC and he gave me 4 castle deeds and a pure mare.

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Re: How you made your millions

Post by The Real Sandro »

Tournaments, CTF, buying regs afk and selling them with a 35% mark up, stealing stable slots and selling them back, stealing holiday give-aways such as ice white july 4th hats, scamming newbies, and pking.
cr3w / -3-

[14:41] <SJane> nevermore doesn't cheat
[14:41] <Arsen_SupPe> tell me how my brownbear loses against a chicken then? kty jane
[06:07] <Luca|Blight> but really whos left thats good at pvp besides sandro

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Re: How you made your millions

Post by GuardianKnight »

Farmed for many hours with my tamer for all of it. Anything I sold, it didn't compare to the amount of gold i farmed. I don't think I have sold anything for a profit, ever.
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Re: How you made your millions

Post by Jupiter »

My favorite places and ones which I still return to for fun sake (FFS) and not necessarily for get rich quick schemes:

Shame Air Ele's w/ Bard (make sure to recall often so the gank-squads get less of your bounty)

Earth Elementals at Compassion

Lich Lords w/ Silver Weapons (going there with dragons is waaaay to messy and usually best with large groups to help protect unless you go at 3 AM or enjoy 5v1 odds)

Yew Liches again w/ Silver Weapons

Bone Knights w/ melee bard (sell all the plate armor too for extra $$$)

Northern Ice Fields of the Lost Lands (there's a Kraken up there I tell's ya!)

Desert Fields of Lost Lands

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Re: How you made your millions

Post by HardCore »

Fishing selling bulk maps and mibs boat mining selling ingots ctf and bag ball trophy selling logging in at holidays selling gifts ∞ mills
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Re: How you made your millions

Post by Abbot »

Blacksmithy, plain and simple.

I made a few hundred K doing other oddjob stuff via fishing and inscription, but a majority has been from making and selling smithy items. It pretty much started with selling bulk halberds to Uhh when I began having gold.
<Soma> He may be a pedophile, but he's a damn good smith
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Re: How you made your millions

Post by son »

puts the blessed item in a pouch

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Re: How you made your millions

Post by Koden »

My needs are small, so I'm hillbill rich. I have a porch on a bay, a small near yew lich, and I've given 2 smalls away. maybe 1/2 a mill in gold sitting around & some deeds. I make my gold PvM by cutting my gear back to only what I have to have..

maybe 2 night sight, 3 cure, 3 refresh, 120 aids, 30 fish, one rune, one recall scroll and one GM weapon. That along with GM dexer armor is what 3k of gold to replace? I recall out & bank the 1st 4k (now I'm even) then recall out & bank at 7-8 k per run untill the PKs show. Then I change spots and start again. There are things you can do to lessen the gold you give to the PKs (But if I told you, I would be telling them as well).

Post script; I do all my PvM solo, so if you group you can do better I'm sure.
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Re: How you made your millions

Post by fox_phyre »

I made my money doing everything under the sun. Tamed, Barded, Dexxed Liches, bought and sold rares, Silver from CTF/Survival Game/Bag Ball, bought and sold real estate, player run vendors (selling regs and every craftable item), TMapped, Little Fishing, Pked for profit, begged, sold mounts, mined ingots. Come to think of it, the only thing I never really did was steal from people, but I guess there is always still time for that.
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Re: How you made your millions

Post by Wonko the Sane »

In addition to IDOCs I have to confess that I have found an unlocked door with unlocked stuff every time I've set out into the wilderness to find one. I looted everything that wasn't nailed down in someone's L-shape last week, and just a few days after that I found a keep that had only 1 secure container (one front door locked, one not, so everyone, please remember to secure your homes properly!). Free regs, boats (1 in the L-shape, 2 in the keep), treasure maps, and most importantly whole bunch of magic weapons of power (silver even) and vanquishing and armour of hardening and up. Also in each place I found resources like ingots, cloth and leather. Actually, the keep I looted last week, I also looted the keep next door to that a few months ago and got ten or so metal chests (worth what, 10k each?) and a ton of weapons and armour again, along with a bunch of shipwreck bones. I mean a ton. Oh and on top of that resources. In another house one time I found a boat key and on that boat a ton of ore. Had to be smelted, but that's what I have a gm miner for.

If it sounds like I looted your keep... uh... it must have been someone else.

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