Grumpy not a douche

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Cousteau Calypso
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Grumpy not a douche

Post by Cousteau Calypso »

So i let it be known on IRC that i was looking for mibs and tmaps. Grumpy hits me up and says he had assorted lvl 4 and 5 tmaps. He wants 11k each. I offer 50k for 5. We do the deal one at a time. I decode one first try and he trades it in for a tattered one. "Right on. Guy's willing to make up for his mistakes" I think to myself. Then it happens again. But he tells me 82 cart can decode 4's. So we do the deal. But during all the map switching, he gives me 2 that he decoded himself. I know, I heard the maps crumpling sounds. So I finally end up with 5 maps and even bought the first one back that I decoded because he said 82 can decode 4's. I end up decoding 4 of the 5 he gave me at 81.7 And THEN do my research.

The wiki states:

1 0.0+ Cartography required
2 60.0+ Cartography required
3 70.0+ Cartography required
4 90.0+ Cartography required
5 100.0 Cartography required

So, I hit him back up and tell him. He says to meet him back at the bank and he will give me 2 more. And he did. But one of them was decoded first try. The other was too difficult. I bitch about it for a sec hoping for more compensation. He then tells me I ruined one of them (which I actually bought back) and that ill get my money out of the ones I got. Now, I payed 50k for 2 maps that are at least 4's and 5 maps that I have no idea about (2 of them i actually failed once so prolly lvl 3's). And in the middle of the discussion about the LVL "4-5" T-maps that I somehow decoded with my low skill, the guy recalls. Motherfucker.

Moral of the story, kiddies:

Below is the conversation on IRC:

[18:57:34] Common channels with Grumpy: #secondage
[18:57:34] <Grumpy> hi
[18:57:40] <CousteauCalypso> hey
[18:57:46] <Grumpy> i have tmaps
[18:57:54] <CousteauCalypso> what are you asking?
[18:58:04] <Grumpy> whats a fair price
[18:58:08] <Grumpy> never really sold them
[18:58:12] <Grumpy> let me look it up
[18:58:13] <CousteauCalypso> depends on the lvl
[18:58:16] <CousteauCalypso> yeah sure
[18:58:33] <Grumpy> well they are from dragons, daemons, balrons, and ancient wyrms
[18:58:35] <CousteauCalypso> shoot me a link when you find it
[18:58:41] <CousteauCalypso> oh nice
[18:58:49] <CousteauCalypso> how many you got?
[18:58:53] <Grumpy> but i dont have them organized so cant be sure which is which
[18:59:23] <Grumpy> let me see
[19:05:26] <Grumpy> well in main they are saying 9k for 4s and 15k for 5s
[19:05:41] <Grumpy> since i am not sure which is which how about 11k each?
[19:05:53] <CousteauCalypso> how many you have?
[19:06:22] <Grumpy> 33
[19:06:28] <CousteauCalypso> damn
[19:06:34] <CousteauCalypso> um
[19:06:36] <Grumpy> i will sell as many as you wish
[19:06:46] <CousteauCalypso> well im not very wealthy
[19:06:48] <CousteauCalypso> lol
[19:06:57] <Grumpy> np u want 1 ill sell u 1
[19:07:21] <CousteauCalypso> how about 5 at 10k each?
[19:07:38] <Grumpy> ok
[19:07:47] <CousteauCalypso> trade them one at a time so noone drops money
[19:07:57] <Grumpy> ok
[19:08:03] <Grumpy> meet at east brit bank?
[19:08:11] <CousteauCalypso> sure give me a sec
[19:08:53] <Grumpy> whats ur char name
[19:09:29] <CousteauCalypso> same as here
[19:09:45] <Grumpy> k i am there whenever u r rdy
[19:09:57] <CousteauCalypso> ok i have to move some money real fast
[19:10:15] <Grumpy> np
[19:19:35] <CousteauCalypso> hey you sold me one that i didnt decode
[19:19:53] <Grumpy> hmm ok come back
[19:20:11] <CousteauCalypso> ok
[19:20:27] <Grumpy> that might have been the non tattered one
[19:26:00] <CousteauCalypso> 90 cart required to decode lvl 4 I decoded all but 1
[19:26:20] <CousteauCalypso> at 81.4 real
[19:36:44] <CousteauCalypso> really dude?
[19:37:39] <CousteauCalypso> i should not have been able to decode any of them
[19:52:02] <Grumpy> hmm
[19:52:09] <CousteauCalypso> aye
[19:52:20] <Grumpy> dont be grumpy I am new to this piece of UO
[19:52:28] <Grumpy> i'll give you a coupl emore
[19:52:37] <Grumpy> why r u buying maps you cant decode
[19:52:47] <CousteauCalypso> because im aspiring
[19:52:48] <CousteauCalypso> ﷯
[19:52:57] <CousteauCalypso> im not grumpy
[19:52:57] <Grumpy> well then it seems we are both at fault
[19:53:32] <Grumpy> meet at the bank i will give you 2 more
[19:53:43] <Grumpy> but hurry, i need to leave irl
[19:53:49] <CousteauCalypso> ya i should have checked to see if i failed or if it was too dificult
[19:54:15] <CousteauCalypso> here
Cousteau Calypso_2-28_20.34.jpg
Last edited by Cousteau Calypso on Thu Mar 01, 2012 8:36 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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mr mahoney
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Re: Grumpy a douche?

Post by mr mahoney »

Nah i think this thread title is douchey. Some of the rhingd he hunted drop level 3 maps like drakes. Also hr more then twice offwrd to compensate with extras this could easily been construed as a scam from your end so at some point how much does he have to give you? He clearly made a mistake on spme levels offered to throw extra maps even if they are level three you are foinf make a bit od money off them. I woulda ledt too after the 4th te trying to make things right.

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Re: Grumpy a douche?

Post by Stranger »

I will play the role of judge here. It seems like neither one of you knew what the hell you were doing. Grumpy should know what he is selling. And you should know what you are buying. Not good business practice on his part, however he did try to make it right until he got fed up. Its only 50k, live and learn. I find Grumpy innocent of douchery, but guilty of the lesser crime of sloppy business practices.
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Re: Grumpy a douche?

Post by Pirul »

I agree with Stranger. And thus is why I suggested looking for somebody like Cattie that has the character set up to tell you exactly what level your maps are, so you know what you are selling.
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Re: Grumpy a douche?

Post by Draconian »

Stranger, that is a very good assessment of this situation. Kudos to Cousteau for good record keeping!

Also, sorry that happened to you! If you need any help in the future, I'd be happy to be of assistance.


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Re: Grumpy a douche?

Post by Vega/Delo »

No the man is right he is a douche. I've said it before and JG can oblige. Grumpy makes it his business to make cheap and easy cash. U say "looking for houses in so and so area" he will go and place up a ton of little houses like he did to JG, saw him do it on horseshoe island too. He was straight up scammin that guy, and takes pleasure in it. I hardly play this server anymore, but i will gladly look u up on IRC when i get a sec and hand u all my lvl 4s and 5s that i will never use.

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Re: Grumpy a douche?

Post by LudKrud »

The house thing sounds like good business practice to me.........the other seems sketch though...

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Cousteau Calypso
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Re: Grumpy a douche?

Post by Cousteau Calypso »

Stranger wrote:I will play the role of judge here. It seems like neither one of you knew what the hell you were doing. Grumpy should know what he is selling. And you should know what you are buying. Not good business practice on his part, however he did try to make it right until he got fed up. Its only 50k, live and learn. I find Grumpy innocent of douchery, but guilty of the lesser crime of sloppy business practices.
I agree with Stranger. He should have known what he was selling...He shouldn't tell me they are lvl 4's and 5's if he didnt know this for a fact.

I did attempt to assess the maps as I was purchasing them by decoding them as this is the ONLY way that I know of. And like I said before I shouldn't have been able to decode any of them at all at my skill level.

But when successfully I decode them, he calls it wasting them?? NO! They shouldn't have been decoded if they were true 4's and 5's. So its his own fault that they were decoded by me and he is unable to dig them up....I only got 2 maps I didnt pay for.

I also agree that I should have known what I was buying...It was a hurried transaction as he was saying he had RL shit to do asap and I didnt do my research first. I trusted his word because 1) I have seen tons of posts around here from Grumpy (assuming he was a trusted member of the community with a reputation to uphold) and 2) because he had a Lord title and figured he wasnt into ripping people off and knew what he was talking about.
Stranger wrote:Its only 50k, live and learn. I find Grumpy innocent of douchery, but guilty of the lesser crime of sloppy business practices.
50k might not sound like much to you, but it is alot to someone who doesnt play religiously like most of the insanely rich players do here. I have one house and it is a small. Thats it. This is my main character and far from finished. Im not too sure on his age, but I created my forum account when I created my UO account. That shows you how much I get to play.

Also "Innocent of douchery, but guilty of lesser crime of sloppy business practices." Agreed.

And as I said at the end of my post, "Do your own research first" taking responsibility for my own mistakes. I thought about it before the transaction...but he was in a hurry. I shoulda said to hell with it right there. But Im broke and need money. After I decoded the first map, I shoulda declined the rest and went home with a 10k lvl 3 or 1 in the worst case. But no. I had taken too many drags on my "glass bowl of feeblemindedness [34 charges]" and was excited. Oops. My bad.
Pirul wrote:I agree with Stranger. And thus is why I suggested looking for somebody like Cattie that has the character set up to tell you exactly what level your maps are, so you know what you are selling.
How does one character determine the level of any tmap when its either too difficult or it isnt?
mr mahoney wrote:Nah i think this thread title is douchey. Some of the rhingd he hunted drop level 3 maps like drakes. Also hr more then twice offwrd to compensate with extras this could easily been construed as a scam from your end so at some point how much does he have to give you? He clearly made a mistake on spme levels offered to throw extra maps even if they are level three you are foinf make a bit od money off them. I woulda ledt too after the 4th te trying to make things right.
Mahoney, you need to learn how to fucking type and proofread your shit or go get an education and learn how before attempting to communicate on the internet. And as for the title, I did not call him a douch...there is a question mark there...looking for others opinions. Yes he offered to give me more maps to compensate for it. Which he did do. And which I stated clearly. And to him, yes, those maps I decoded are useless to him. But thats not my fault. Its his. And honestly, to help him, help myself, and help this deal go better for the both of us, Im willing to trade these decoded shits back to him for some I cant decode (he has plenty to choose from) AND dig up them up (and the ones I decoded in the process of finding the high levels) for him completely free of charge. I would even provoke the spawn for him to loot. Which I would have told him if he hadn't left so abruptly...Which pissed me off.

Actually, Im gonna hit him up and suggest it.
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Re: Grumpy a douche?

Post by SteelReserve »


Nvm misread something.

mr mahoney
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Re: Grumpy a douche?

Post by mr mahoney »

You need anger management before you play this game twice now you blow up on people on trivial shit. Left abruptly your shots clearly show him warning you of an irl issue he had to leave for. Im not goign waste time proff reading some response to a crybaby thread because you were too dumb to understand the mechanics of a 15 year old game.

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Re: Grumpy a douche?

Post by mr mahoney »

Calypso the noob?
Calypso the crybaby thread maker?
Calypso i wish i was in trammel?
Calypso im to emo for you?

Its ok because i have the question mark At the end

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Re: Grumpy a douche?

Post by Cousteau Calypso »

(sarcasm) lol ya cus im over here spazzing out tearing at my hair because of your dumb ass post (/sarcasm)

Just cause I drop a a few F-bombs in my post does not mean Im throwing a temper tantrum or that I have anger issues. Curse words are part of my everyday speech just like roughly 90% of the rest of the world and I type a bit like I talk. So you are dumb for assuming so.
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Re: Grumpy a douche?

Post by applejack »

Derrick wrote:There has been a sharp increase in the profanity in the regular forums. These threads are indexed by the search engines and we ask for the sake of maintaining our excellent placement and family friendly image that profanity be restricted to the Trash Talk, Guild, and "Other" forums, which are not search engine indexed, or available to non registered users.

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Tabius wrote:I am disgusted by cA's attitude in this and you should all be ashamed of yourselves.

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Re: Grumpy a douche?

Post by Cousteau Calypso »

From some of the reactions I've had to this post, both here and in IRC, it seems that others feel that I'm bashing Grumpy. Calling him a scammer and whatnot. Or even crying about getting ripped off. And as one person put it, I defamed him in public. I believe Grumpy feels this way as well because he ignores me.

Well, I would like to formally and publicly apologize for that. I did not intend on bashing Grumpy. Though I can see why others think so after re-reading it. I did not call him a scammer. I don't believe he tried to scam me. And I don't believe that I said he ripped me off. Because with the extra maps, I think it should equal out. But what I did do was make a fuss about the deal not being what we agreed upon and the abrupt departure. Ultimately defaming Grumpy in public and making myself look like an ass. Im sorry. Not for making myself look like an ass. I couldn't care less about that. But about defaming Grumpy. I hope he still retains his Lord title. LOL.

I was just looking for others opinions on the incident. Got em. No harm meant.
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Re: Grumpy not a douche

Post by WiseOne »

I can vouch that Cousteau Calypso is not an emo crybaby rager. I've dealt with him multiple times and he was always professional and very easygoing.
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