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Mage build--no armor vs leather?

Posted: Mon Feb 20, 2012 7:44 am
by Campbell
I'm working on a mage build w provocation tossed in. Pretty much:

Eval Int

I'm reading a couple different things about leather armor and its effect on mana regeneration and meditation. I initially read that mages can wear a set up to 17 AR with various pieces allowed (studded sleeves (/leggings?), but no studded tunic, etc) without having an effect on meditation success, its rate of regen, or passive mana regeneration unrelated to meditation.

Now I'm reading that wearing ANY leather armor will significantly slow down mana regen, and that a mage should pretty much just wear clothes at all times to be most effective (this is pretty much how I remember things).

Can anyone please clarify this for me before I do something silly like start investing in GM Tailoring for one of my alts?


Re: Mage build--no armor vs leather?

Posted: Mon Feb 20, 2012 9:04 am
by Pirul
Yeah, any sort of armor will slow down your mana regen speed. I roll 0 armor on all my mages (or only clothes).

Also, I assume that is a PvM bard, and as such, I'd strongly recomend wrestling over hiding, as it is a skill that might help you more to get out of sticky situations.

Re: Mage build--no armor vs leather?

Posted: Mon Feb 20, 2012 2:52 pm
by ONEmortal
Pirul wrote:Yeah, any sort of armor will slow down your mana regen speed. I roll 0 armor on all my mages (or only clothes).

Also, I assume that is a PvM bard, and as such, I'd strongly recomend wrestling over hiding, as it is a skill that might help you more to get out of sticky situations.
Couldn't have said it better.

Your standard 5x mage (Magery, Wrestling, Eval Int, Med, and Resist) works very well for a Bard PvM. Just add in Provo and Music and you're done.

Maybe you don't need all those for PvM, but it sure helps a lot in certain situations and definitely helps when you have to escape (or fight) reds.

Re: Mage build--no armor vs leather?

Posted: Mon Feb 20, 2012 3:29 pm
by Pirul
This guy used to do just fine in Survival events, and also does just fine out in the field. Hardly ever am I PKed, unless I am caught with low life and mana (or I get the brilliant idea of fighting back on a bard :P). The only reason I have a bit of hiding and "discordance" is because I haven't taken the time to GM resist.

Re: Mage build--no armor vs leather?

Posted: Mon Feb 20, 2012 3:49 pm
by Campbell
Great, thanks so much for the feedback, guys.

It's funny that wrestling would be better to get out of sticky situations and fend off reds; that's exactly why I chose hiding over it, but I guess I was ill-advised.

It's my understanding that the benefit of wrestling is that you essentially have a much greater chance to dodge melee hits completely, is that right? Or do you absorb the hits and the damage is reduced?

On that note, anyone have a suggestion for macroing wrestling? Tell me if there's a hole in this plan: spar with a buddy / guildmate continuously in a house with a health check with an alternate healer standing by. When HP drops below health check, have my character snoop the healer. Have healer use bandages on my wrestler with the If Conditional: SysMsg "peeking" so that that snooping action triggers bandage use. My guildmate who's training does the same with his own alternate healer.

Is there anything that would interrupt this, or does it look sound?


Re: Mage build--no armor vs leather?

Posted: Mon Feb 20, 2012 4:11 pm
by Pirul
Wrestling is pitted directly vs. the opponents weapon skill (wrestling or otherwise), so if you have GM wrestling, and your opponent GM fencing (for example) you have a 50/50 chance of completely "dodging" his hit, therefore him not being able to interrupt your casting...mostly of recall on a bard :P.

Also, "sparring" is painfully slow in this server due to it being dubbed not era accurate. However, you can hire a paladin behind Delucia's bank, and go to work on him. Since bandages are pretty cheap, I'd just heal every 10 secs or so with your alt. To have the Paladin stop attacking follow this guide: viewtopic.php?p=320243#p320243

Re: Mage build--no armor vs leather?

Posted: Sat Mar 10, 2012 2:47 am
by Shane Dog
You could always GM wrestling and drop it later if you feel you are not using the skill. Having hiding is silly because all Pks have to do is use the reveal spell. Just use a recall macro you have pre recorded to a rune and you should not ever be PKed anymore unless you are not paying attention or are too slow at hitting the macro.

I got rid of my tamer bard's wrestling along time ago in favor of resist. I was never using wrestling but needed the resist for casting monsters and animals when taming. Any time I see a red name I will hit the recall macro b4 they can even cast, get a precast off, or get anywhere close to physically hit me. If I see a blue I would "chill" about a screen away to see how they acted. If they precast and run at me I am gone (hitting recall macro). If they were more interested in the monsters than me then I would stay (not a noto pk)

So for me, wrestling was a big waste of 100 points on that particular character.

Same with the monsters. Just don't let them get too close and you will have no need for it. I never die on my tamer bard unless I am hit by severe lag or my client crashes.

Pirul must have an old Bard because he has Discord. You can no longer have that skill. I would swap it out for wrestling and GM the Discord just to have it since it is a rare skill these days.

You could go a variety of ways besides wrestling, but wrestling would be the better choice for your build. Especially until you get "used to" barding and playing the bard template. If you feel the wrestling is a waste then you could go:

If you use enticing you can steal other peoples tamed animals by gating them out to a premarked location so they go wild. Once wild you can retame with 0 skill. Other than getting free animals it is pretty useless.

Peace making is kinda bunked in T2A. You can only area peace and it only lasts a couple seconds and you cannot directly peace anything (I used to have a peace tamer on EA's and when direct peaced the animal stays still for over 10 secs allowing you to use tame skill on them while peaced).

I had a bard with peace making here, for a while, and I would use peace making to make a quick escape from monsters or pk gank squads that I let get too close (It was when I first started back in UO and still getting the hang of things again). It lasts about 1-2 secs or so. Once you do it the next move is whatever you need to do to escape the current situation.

If you got good resist you can try GMing herding and have some fun herding up huge aggro animals (like herd a bunch of drags an stuff to Destard entrance) and have them kill people and take their loots. I dunno if that would be possible without GM hiding or Stealth (never used herding my self) without the Drags killing you in the process. Maybe provo all of them on to each other then herd them up?

But besides all that crap wrestling would be a sure fit. It is alot better than hiding for sure and is one of the easier skills to GM. So, if you did decide to drop it later the time loss wouldn't be that big of a biggie.

Also, I GMed wrestling off rats in the Brit sewers before.

Re: Mage build--no armor vs leather?

Posted: Sat Mar 10, 2012 8:53 am
by Pirul
Shane Dog wrote:Pirul must have an old Bard because he has Discord. You can no longer have that skill. I would swap it out for wrestling and GM the Discord just to have it since it is a rare skill these days.
Are you calling me old?!?!?


Discord is entice, it's just the way it shows in myUOSA.

Re: Mage build--no armor vs leather?

Posted: Sat Mar 10, 2012 12:08 pm
by Shane Dog
Oh....well, that skill sux then. Later on EA made discord awesome where it lowers the targets stats and skills and lasted until they died or when off your screen. I think it lowered em by either 25% or half. Been a long time. I don't remember.

Most of the other changes they made were horri bad but the discord change was nice.

Re: Mage build--no armor vs leather?

Posted: Thu Jul 19, 2012 12:24 pm
by Daemonne
Okay Pirul ( I tend to follow your posts quite a bit for the info, you got that honest face thing going in your Avatar Pic :-) )

So in the discussion here we have the debate of Wrestling over Hiding, now Since Bards are pretty much Oh Snap a red! /Smash Recall Macro button...

Would having Wresting and Hiding be better than Resist? Other than getting flamed if you aren't paying attention for PKs Does barding need resist for PVM? Of course I'm talking GM Provos who won't be failing that much against mobs.

Provo, toss in an EV, hide chill, ooh another mob, provo into the other 2, hide chill etc.
Is there great danger for a Provo Barding other than the PKr who jumps you?

PK melee jumps you, resist useless. PK Pure mage jumps you, hit your pots and start recalling? (maybe keep a reflect refreshed?) PK Hally Mage jumps you, hit your pots and start recalling? (maybe keep a reflect refreshed?)

My mind roaming to UO again at work :-)

Keep in mind I am still working my toons up to be able to start using them out in the world and have no current getting jumped by PKs experience :-)

To finish out my questions..
OR is it dangerous enough PVMing mobs that you need to worry about the one/two hit kills from a casting Lich Lord that resist becomes necessary?